Source code for acq400_hapi.acq400_print

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""UI functions for cmd line"""

import os
import re
import json

[docs]class PR_NORMAL:
[docs] def Red(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Green(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Yellow(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Purple(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Cyan(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Blue(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Reverse(txt, end='\n'): print("{}".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Bold(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[1m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs]class PR_FANCY: """Colored print options"""
[docs] def Red(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[91m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Green(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[92m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Yellow(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[93m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Purple(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[95m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Cyan(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[96m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Blue(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[94m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Reverse(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[7m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
[docs] def Bold(txt, end='\n'): print("\033[1m{}\033[00m".format(txt), end=end)
PR = PR_FANCY if int(os.getenv("HAPI_COLOUR", "1")) else PR_NORMAL
[docs]class DISPLAY: """Prints text over previous text for a live display effect""" FORMAT_CODES = { 'RED':'\033[38;5;196m', 'GREEN':'\033[38;5;82m', 'YELLOW':'\033[93m', 'PURPLE':'\033[95m', 'CYAN':'\033[96m', 'BLUE':'\033[94m', 'ORANGE':'\033[38;5;208m', 'REVERSE':'\033[7m', 'BOLD':'\033[1m', 'UNDERLINE':'\033[4m', 'TAB':'\t', 'RESET':'\033[00m', }
[docs] def __init__(self): if int(os.getenv("HAPI_COLOUR", "1")) != 1: for code in self.FORMAT_CODES: self.FORMAT_CODES[code] = '' self.FORMAT_CODES['TAB'] = '\t' self.line_count = 0 self.buffer = '' self.old_buffer = '' self.partial_line = '' = {}
[docs] def add(self, *args): self.partial_line += args[0].format(*args[1:], **self.FORMAT_CODES)
def __add_partial_line(self): if self.partial_line: self.line_count += 1 self.buffer += '\t' + self.partial_line + '\n' self.partial_line = ''
[docs] def end(self): self.__add_partial_line()
[docs] def add_line(self, *args): self.__add_partial_line() self.line_count += 1 line = args[0].format(*args[1:], **self.FORMAT_CODES) self.buffer += '\t' + line + '\n'
[docs] def cache_line(self, index, *args): if index not in[index] = "" line = args[0].format(*args[1:], **self.FORMAT_CODES)[index] += line
[docs] def add_cached_line(self, index): if index in self.line_count += 1 self.buffer += '\t' +[index] + '\n' del[index]
[docs] def render_interrupted(self): print(self.old_buffer,end='')
[docs] def render(self, loop = True): self.__add_partial_line() LINE_UP = '\033[1A' ERASE_LINE = '\033[2K' print(self.buffer,end='') self.old_buffer = self.buffer if loop: print((LINE_UP + ERASE_LINE) * self.line_count, end="") self.line_count = 0 self.buffer = ''
[docs] def get_buffer(self): if int(os.getenv("HAPI_COLOUR", "0")): return self.buffer ansi_escape = re.compile(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -\/]*[@-~]') return ansi_escape.sub('', self.buffer)
[docs]def pprint(item, indent=2, to_string=False): """Prints dict with nice formatting""" default = lambda o: f"<<non-serializable: {type(o).__qualname__}>>" string = json.dumps(item, indent=indent, default=default) if to_string: return string print(string)
[docs]def unit_test(): import time count1 = 0 count2 = 0 max = 40 SCREEN = DISPLAY() try: while True: SCREEN.add_line("Count 1 is {0}", count1) SCREEN.cache_line(0,"This line starts at the start,") SCREEN.add("Count 1 is ") if count1 % 5 == 0 and count1 % 3 == 0: SCREEN.add("divisible by 5 {UNDERLINE}and{RESET} 3") elif count1 % 5 == 0: SCREEN.add("divisible by 5") elif count1 % 3 == 0: SCREEN.add("divisible by 3") else: SCREEN.add("divisible by neither 5 or 3") SCREEN.cache_line(0," continues in the middle ") SCREEN.end() SCREEN.add("{0:.1f} seconds since epoch", time.time()) SCREEN.add_line("Count 2 is {BOLD}{0}{RESET} and is {1} from {2}", count2,max - count2,max) SCREEN.cache_line(0,"and finishes at the end") SCREEN.add_cached_line(0) if count2 > max: SCREEN.add_line("{RED}ENDING{RESET}", count1) SCREEN.render(False) break SCREEN.render() time.sleep(1) count1 += 1 count2 += 3 except KeyboardInterrupt: SCREEN.render_interrupted() PR.Red('Interrupt!') pass print("printing normally") PR.Green("Green if env set")
if __name__ == '__main__': unit_test()