Source code for acq400_hapi.shotcontrol

import sys
import threading
import time
import os
import errno

[docs]def wait_for_state(uut, state, timeout=0): UUTS = [uut] time0 = 0 if time0 == 0: time0 = time.time() for uut in UUTS: olds = "" finished = False dots = 0 pollcat = 0 while not finished: st = uut.s0.TRANS_ACT_STATE.split(' ')[1] #Real name TRANS_ACT:STATE finished = st == state news = "polling {}:{} {} waiting for {}".format(uut.uut, st, 'DONE' if finished else '', state) if news != olds: sys.stdout.write("\n{:06.2f}: {}".format(time.time() - time0, news)) olds = news else: sys.stdout.write('.') dots += 1 if dots >= 20: dots = 0 olds = "" if not finished: if timeout and (time.time() - time0) > timeout: sys.exit("\ntimeout waiting for {}".format(news)) time.sleep(1) pollcat += 1 print("")
[docs]class ActionScript:
[docs] def __init__(self, script_and_args): = script_and_args.split() print("ActionScript creates {}".format(
def __call__(self): print("ActionScript: call()") call(
[docs]class ShotController: """ShotController handles shot synchronization for a set of uuts """
[docs] def prep_shot(self): for u in self.uuts: u.statmon.stopped.clear() u.statmon.armed.clear() = [ threading.Thread(target=u.statmon.wait_stopped) for u in self.uuts] for t in t.setDaemon(True) t.start() self.ta = [threading.Thread(target=u.statmon.wait_armed) for u in self.uuts] for t in self.ta: t.setDaemon(True) t.start()
[docs] def wait_armed(self): wdt = threading.Thread(target=self.wdt, kwargs={'wait_list': self.ta}) wdt.start() for t in self.ta: t.join() wdt.join()
[docs] def wait_complete(self): # @@TODO start a watcher task. If one or more has completed, kill the rest after a timeout. wdt = threading.Thread(target=self.wdt, kwargs={'wait_list':}) wdt.start() for t in t.join() wdt.join()
[docs] def wdt(self, wait_list): loops_with_zombies = 0 while True: alive = 0 dead = 0 for t in wait_list: if t.is_alive(): alive += 1 else: dead += 1 if alive == 0: return elif dead == 0: continue else: loops_with_zombies += 1 if loops_with_zombies/10 > self.zombie_timeout: print("we have zombies") for ix, u in enumerate(self.uuts): if wait_list[ix].is_alive(): print("{} zombie requested to leave".format(u.uut)) u.statmon.break_requested = True time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def arm_shot_action(u): def _arm_shot_action(): time.sleep(1) u.s0.TRANSIENT_SET_ARM = 1 return _arm_shot_action
[docs] def arm_shot(self): thx = [ threading.Thread(target=ShotController.arm_shot_action(u)) for u in reversed(self.uuts) ] for t in thx: t.start() for t in thx: t.join() self.wait_armed()
[docs] def abort_shot(self): for u in self.uuts: print("%s set_abort" % (u.uut)) u.s0.set_abort = 1
[docs] def on_shot_complete(self): """runs on completion, expect subclass override.""" for u in self.uuts: print("%s SHOT COMPLETE shot:%s" % (u.uut, u.s1.shot))
[docs] def run_shot(self, soft_trigger=False, acq1014_ext_trigger=0, remote_trigger=None): """run_shot() control an entire shot from client. for more control, use the individual methods above. Args: soft_trigger=False (bool) : trigger when armed """ if acq1014_ext_trigger: # block external triggers with temp switch to soft trigger self.uuts[0].s2.acq1014_trg = 1 self.prep_shot() self.arm_shot() if soft_trigger: if soft_trigger < 0: print("hit return for soft_trigger") sys.stdin.readline() else: while soft_trigger > 1: print("sleep {}".format(soft_trigger)) time.sleep(1) soft_trigger = soft_trigger - 1 print("%s soft_trigger" % (self.uuts[0].uut)) self.uuts[0].s0.soft_trigger = 1 elif remote_trigger != None: remote_trigger() if acq1014_ext_trigger > 0: time.sleep(acq1014_ext_trigger) self.uuts[0].s2.acq1014_trg = 0 self.wait_complete() self.on_shot_complete()
[docs] def map_channels(self, channels): cmap = {} #print("map_channels {}".format(channels)) ii = 0 for iu, u in enumerate(self.uuts): if channels == (): cmap[iu] = list(range(1, u.nchan()+1)) # default : ALL elif type(channels) == int: cmap[iu] = channels # single value elif type(channels[0]) != tuple: cmap[iu] = channels # same tuple all UUTS else: try: cmap[iu] = channels[ii] # dedicated tuple except: cmap[iu] = 1 # fallback, ch1 ii = ii + 1 return cmap
[docs] def read_channels(self, channels=()): self.cmap = self.map_channels(channels) chx = [u.read_channels(self.cmap[iu]) for iu, u in enumerate(self.uuts)] if self.uuts[0].save_data: with open("%s/format" % (self.uuts[0].save_data), 'w') as fid: for iu, u in enumerate(self.uuts): for ch in self.cmap[iu]: fid.write("%s_CH%02d RAW %s 1\n" % (u.uut, ch, 's')) return (chx, len(self.uuts), len(chx[0]), len(chx[0][0]))
[docs] def __init__(self, _uuts, shot=None, zombie_timeout=30): self.uuts = _uuts self.zombie_timeout = zombie_timeout if shot != None: for u in self.uuts: u.s1.shot = shot
[docs]class ShotControllerWithDataHandler(ShotController):
[docs] def plot_data(self, args, plot_data, chx, ncol, nchan, nsam): import matplotlib backends = ['GTK4Agg', 'WXAgg', 'TKAgg', 'GTKAgg', 'Qt4Agg'] for backend in backends: try: matplotlib.use(backend, force=True) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt break except: continue else: print('Error: No valid plotting backends') return False # plot ex: 2 x 8 ncol=2 nchan=8 # U1 U2 FIG # 11 21 1 2 # 12 22 3 4 # 13 23 # ... # 18 28 15 16 overlay_plot = False if plot_data == 0 or plot_data > nchan: plot_data = nchan if plot_data < 0: _nchan = -plot_data if _nchan < nchan: nchan = _nchan overlay_plot = True print("overlay plotting first {} channels".format(nchan)) else: _nchan = plot_data if _nchan < nchan: nchan = _nchan print("plotting first {} channels".format(nchan)) ax = {} ax0 = None for col in range(ncol): for chn in range(0,nchan): if hasattr(args, 'one_plot') and not args.one_plot: axkey = '{}{}'.format(chn, 0 if overlay_plot else col) if not overlay_plot or col == 0: fignum = 1 + (0 if overlay_plot else col) + chn*(1 if overlay_plot else ncol) print("calling plt.subplot({}, {}, {})".format(nchan, 0 if overlay_plot else ncol , fignum)) if not ax0: ax[axkey] = plt.subplot(nchan, 1 if overlay_plot else ncol, fignum) ax0 = ax[axkey] else: ax[axkey] = plt.subplot(nchan, 1 if overlay_plot else ncol, fignum, sharex=ax0) _label = "{}.{:03d}".format(args.uuts[col], self.cmap[col][chn]) plt.suptitle('{} shot {}'.format(args.uuts[0] if len(args.uuts) == 1 else args.uuts, self.uuts[0].s1.shot)) if plot_data < 0: _data = self.uuts[col].chan2volts(self.cmap[col][chn], chx[col][chn]) plt.xlabel("sample") plt.ylabel("Volts") print("ax[{}].plot( ... label={})".format(axkey, _label)) line, = ax[axkey].plot(_data, label=_label) ax[axkey].legend() # elif plot_data == 2: # tb = self.uuts[0].read_transient_timebase(, args.pre) # plt.xlabel("time [S]") # plt.ylabel("Volts") # line, = ax[axkey].plot(tb, self.uuts[col].chan2volts(self.cmap[col][chn], chx[col][chn]), label=_label) # plt.legend() else: plt.xlabel("sample") plt.ylabel("counts") plt.plot(chx[col][chn])
[docs] def handle_data(self, args): print("INFO: Shotcontroller.handle_data() {} data valid: {}".format(self.uuts[0].uut, self.uuts[0].statmon.data_valid)) if args.save_data: shotdir = args.save_data.format(self.increment_shot(args)) for u in self.uuts: u.save_data = shotdir if args.trace_upload: for u in self.uuts: u.trace = 1 chx, ncol, nchan, nsam = self.read_channels(eval(args.channels)) if not args.plot_data: return else: self.plot_data(args, int(args.plot_data), chx, ncol, nchan, nsam)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_data_init(args, save_data): save_root = os.path.dirname(save_data) # ignore shot formatter if save_root != '': try: os.makedirs(save_root) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: save_root = '.' args.shotfile = "{}/SHOT".format(save_root) if os.path.exists(args.shotfile): with open(args.shotfile) as sf: for line in sf: args.shot = int(line) else: args.shot = 0 with open(args.shotfile, "w") as sf: sf.write("{}\n".format(args.shot))
[docs] @staticmethod def increment_shot(args): with open(args.shotfile) as sf: for line in sf: args.shot = int(line) args.shot += 1 with open(args.shotfile, "w") as sf: sf.write("{}\n".format(args.shot)) return args.shot
[docs] def run_shot(self, soft_trigger=False, acq1014_ext_trigger=0, remote_trigger=None): super().run_shot(soft_trigger, acq1014_ext_trigger, remote_trigger) if self.args.save_data or self.args.plot_data: self.handle_data(self.args)
[docs] def __init__(self, _uuts, args, shot=None): ShotController.__init__(self, _uuts, shot) self.args = args if args.save_data: self.save_data_init(args, args.save_data)
SAVEDATA=os.getenv("SAVEDATA", None) PLOTDATA=os.getenv("PLOTDATA", None) TRACE_UPLOAD=int(os.getenv("TRACE_UPLOAD", "0")) CHANNELS=os.getenv("CHANNELS", "()")
[docs]class ShotControllerUI:
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser): parser.add_argument('--save_data', default=SAVEDATA, type=str, help="store data to specified directory, suffix {} for shot #") parser.add_argument('--plot_data', default=PLOTDATA, help="0: plot data, all channels. N: first N, -N: first N, all one plot") parser.add_argument('--one_plot', default=None, type=int, help="1: plot data") parser.add_argument('--trace_upload', default=TRACE_UPLOAD, type=int, help="1: verbose upload") parser.add_argument('--channels', default=CHANNELS, type=str, help="comma separated channel list")