Source code for user_apps.acq400.acq400_caploop_rtrig

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""acq400 looptest

where UUT1 is the ip-address or host name of first uut
example test client runs captures in a loop on one or more uuts

pre-requisite: UUT's are configured and ready to make a transient
eg clk is running. soft trg enabled
eg transient length set.

.. rst-class:: hidden

    usage: [-h] [--trigger_uut TRIGGER_UUT]
                            [--nshots NSHOTS]
                            uuts [uuts ...]

    acq400 looptest

    positional arguments:
    uuts                  uuts

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --trigger_uut TRIGGER_UUT  external trigger uut eg ACQ1001+DIO, soft_trigger brought to front panel
    --nshots NSHOTS       number of shots, default infinit


import sys
import acq400_hapi
import argparse

[docs]class RemoteTrigger:
[docs] def __init__(self, uut): self.uut = acq400_hapi.Acq400(uut)
def __call__(self): print("{} trigger".format(self.uut.uut)) self.uut.s0.soft_trigger = 1
[docs]def run_shots(args): uuts = [ acq400_hapi.Acq400(u) for u in args.uuts ] acq400_hapi.cleanup.init() for uut in uuts: uut.s1.shot = 0 if hasattr(uut.s0, 'TIM_CTRL_LOCK'): print("LOCKDOWN {}".format(uut)) uut.s0.TIM_CTRL_LOCK = 1 shot_controller = acq400_hapi.ShotController(uuts) shot = 0 if args.trigger_uut != None: _remote_trigger = RemoteTrigger(args.trigger_uut) _soft_trigger = False else: _remote_trigger = None _soft_trigger = True try: while shot < args.nshots: print("shot {} of {}".format(shot, args.nshots)) shot_controller.run_shot( remote_trigger=_remote_trigger, soft_trigger=_soft_trigger) shot += 1 except acq400_hapi.cleanup.ExitCommand: print("ExitCommand raised and caught") finally: print("Finally, going down")
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Shot looptest') parser.add_argument('--trigger_uut', default=None, type=str, help="external trigger uut eg ACQ1001+DIO, soft_trigger brought to front panel" ) parser.add_argument('--nshots', default=9999999, type=int, help="number of shots, default infinit") parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+', help="uuts") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': run_shots(get_parser().parse_args())