Source code for user_apps.acq400.acq400_checkramp

#!/usr/bin/env python

""" capture upload test
    acq1001_capplot UUT1 [UUT2 ..]
    where UUT1 is the ip-address or host name of first uut
    example test client runs captures in a loop on one or more uuts
    pre-requisite: UUT's are configured and ready to make a transient
    eg clk is running. soft trg enabled
    eg transient length set.
    runs one capture, uploads the data and plots with matplotlib
    tested with 2 x 8 channels UUT's (ACQ1014)
    matplot will get very congested with more channels.
    this is really meant as a demonstration of capture, load to numpy,
    it's not really intended as a scope UI.

    USAGE: acq1001_caploop UUT1 [UUT2 ..]

import sys
import acq400_hapi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import time

SOFT_TRIGGER=int(os.getenv("SOFT_TRIGGER", "1"))
TRACE_UPLOAD=int(os.getenv("TRACE_UPLOAD", "0"))
SAVEDATA=os.getenv("SAVEDATA", None)
PLOTDATA=int(os.getenv("PLOTDATA", "1"))
CAPTURE=int(os.getenv("CAPTURE", "1"))
PLOTTO=int(os.getenv("PLOTTO", "0"))

[docs]def run_main(): global SOFT_TRIGGER,TRACE_UPLOAD, SAVEDATA, PLOTDATA, PLOTTO uuts = [ ] if len(sys.argv) > 1: for addr in sys.argv[1:]: uuts.append(acq400_hapi.Acq400(addr)) else: print("USAGE: acq1001_caploop UUT1 [UUT2 ..]") sys.exit(1) acq400_hapi.cleanup.init() shot_controller = acq400_hapi.ShotController(uuts) try: if CAPTURE: shot_controller.run_shot(soft_trigger=SOFT_TRIGGER) if SAVEDATA: for u in uuts: u.save_data = SAVEDATA if TRACE_UPLOAD: for u in uuts: u.trace = 1 chx, ncol, nchan, nsam = shot_controller.read_channels() # plot ex: 2 x 8 ncol=2 nchan=8 # U1 U2 FIG # 11 21 1 2 # 12 22 3 4 # 13 23 # ... # 18 28 15 16 plt.ion() checks = [] if PLOTDATA: for col in range(ncol): for chn in range(0,nchan): fignum = 1 + col + chn*ncol plt.subplot(nchan+1, ncol, fignum) plt.title("{} {}".format(uuts[col].uut, chn)) plt.plot(chx[col][chn]) checkramp = chx[col][nchan-1]; ll = len(checkramp) plt.subplot(nchan+1, ncol, fignum) checkramp = checkramp[1:ll-1] - checkramp[0:ll-2] plt.plot(checkramp) checks.append((np.amax(checkramp), np.amin(checkramp))) plt.draw() print("stats {}".format(checks)) if PLOTTO > 0: while PLOTTO > 0: time.sleep(1) PLOTTO -= 1 else: print("hit return to quit") sys.stdin.readline() plt.close() except acq400_hapi.cleanup.ExitCommand: print("ExitCommand raised and caught") finally: print("Finally, going down")
# execution starts here if __name__ == '__main__': run_main()