#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''slowmon.py: receive and process slowmon data
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --show_raw=d --pchan=8 acq2106_178 | head ::
0 [ 000089, -00016, 000003, -00059, -00115, -00109, -00147, 000005 ] [ 1891931137, 0, 1891931137, 83 ]
1 [ 000083, -00018, 000005, -00061, -00116, -00112, -00143, 000010 ] [ 1891931138, 0, 1, 83 ]
2 [ 000090, -00012, 000010, -00053, -00111, -00110, -00141, 000012 ] [ 1891931139, 0, 1, 83 ]
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --show_raw=h --pchan=8 acq2106_178 | head ::
0 [ 0052, ffed, 0004, ffc6, ff8a, ff8f, ff6e, 0009 ] [ 723a5001, 00000000, 723a5001, 00000030 ]
1 [ 005b, fff1, 0007, ffca, ff8c, ff94, ff75, 000a ] [ 723a5002, 00000000, 00000001, 00000030 ]
2 [ 0058, fff3, 0005, ffc8, ff8f, ff94, ff71, 0009 ] [ 723a5003, 00000000, 00000001, 00000030 ]
3 [ 0054, ffef, 0001, ffc3, ff8a, ff92, ff6f, 0006 ] [ 723a5004, 00000000, 00000001, 00000030 ]
4 [ 0053, fff0, 0005, ffc6, ff89, ff8f, ff71, 0006 ] [ 723ab601, 00000000, 000065fd, 00000030 ]
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --egu=1 --pchan=8 acq2106_178 | head ::
0, -7.52828e-04,-1.47888e-03,-7.92902e-04,-4.81650e-04,-7.51480e-04,-9.10488e-04,-7.71380e-04,-1.01143e-03
1, -6.29032e-04,-1.47888e-03,-7.92902e-04,-3.58180e-04,-7.51480e-04,-7.87045e-04,-7.71380e-04,-1.25875e-03
2, -2.57644e-04,-4.90988e-04,-5.24180e-05,-1.11240e-04,-3.80620e-04,-1.69830e-04,-4.00040e-04,-2.69477e-04
3, -2.57644e-04,-6.14475e-04,-2.99246e-04,3.82640e-04,-2.57000e-04,7.70560e-05,-2.76260e-04,-1.45818e-04
**set runtime to 10s (from first rx sample)**
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --runtime=10 --show_raw=h --pchan=8 acq2106_178 ::
0 [ 005b, fff0, 0007, ffc5, ff8c, ff93, ff75, 0008 ] [ 101e3401, 00000000, 101e3401, 00000077 ]
1 [ 005c, fff7, 000d, ffca, ff90, ff97, ff75, 0010 ] [ 101e3402, 00000000, 00000001, 00000077 ]
2 [ 0055, ffec, 0001, ffc1, ff88, ff8f, ff70, 0006 ] [ 101e3403, 00000000, 00000001, 00000077 ]
1534 [ 0057, ffee, 0005, ffc2, ff89, ff94, ff6e, 0003 ] [ 10b6ce03, 00000000, 00000001, 0000003a ]
1535 [ 0057, fff4, 0007, ffc8, ff8f, ff95, ff75, 0009 ] [ 10b6ce04, 00000000, 00000001, 0000003a ]
1536 [ 0054, ffeb, ffff, ffbf, ff8a, ff8f, ff6d, 0003 ] [ 10b73401, 00000000, 000065fd, 0000003b ]
**dump to csv**
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --runtime=10 --egu=1 --show=0 --pchan=8 --save_file=stream.csv acq2106_178
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ head stream.csv ::
0, -1.33848e-04,-6.14475e-04,1.94410e-04,-1.11240e-04,-2.57000e-04,-4.63870e-05,-1.52480e-04,2.25159e-04
1, 3.61336e-04,1.26447e-04,5.64652e-04,8.76520e-04,2.37480e-04,6.94271e-04,-2.87000e-05,4.72477e-04
2, -1.33848e-04,-8.61449e-04,-4.22660e-04,-1.11240e-04,-3.80620e-04,2.00499e-04,-4.00040e-04,-1.45818e-04
3, -8.76624e-04,-1.23191e-03,-7.92902e-04,-4.81650e-04,-8.75100e-04,-6.63602e-04,-1.01894e-03,-6.40454e-04
4, -2.57644e-04,-9.84936e-04,-4.22660e-04,-3.58180e-04,-6.27860e-04,-1.69830e-04,-6.47600e-04,-1.45818e-04
**dump to binary**
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ./user_apps/acq400/acq400_slowmon.py --runtime=10 --egu=1 --show=0 --pchan=8 --save_file=stream.dat acq2106_178
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ hexdump -e '32/2 "%04x," 4/4 "%08x," "\\n"' stream.dat | head ::
import acq400_hapi
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import argparse
import sys
import shutil
[docs]def str_hex(xarr):
uview = xarr.view(dtype=(np.uint16 if xarr.dtype == np.int16 else np.uint32))
dfmt = ("{:04x}" if xarr.dtype == np.int16 else "{:08x}")
dfmte = dfmt + " ]"
dfmt = dfmt + ", "
#print("dtype: {} dfmt {}".format(xarr.dtype, dmft))
txt = "[ "
for xx in uview[:-1]:
txt += dfmt.format(xx)
return txt + dfmte.format(uview[-1])
[docs]def str_dec(xarr):
dfmt = ("{:06d}" if xarr.dtype == np.int16 else "{:10d}")
dfmte = dfmt + " ]"
dfmt = dfmt + ", "
#print("dtype: {} dfmt {}".format(xarr.dtype, dmft))
txt = "[ "
for xx in xarr[:-1]:
txt += dfmt.format(xx)
return txt + dfmte.format(xarr[-1])
[docs]def to_egu(uut, xarr):
egu = [ "{:.5e}".format(uut.chan2volts(ix+1, xx)) for ix, xx in enumerate(xarr)]
return ",".join(egu)
[docs]def run_stream(args, uut):
if args.save_file:
fn = args.save_file.format(args.uuts[0])
csv_file = fn.endswith(".csv")
data_file = open(fn, "w" if csv_file else "wb" )
csv_file = 0
t_run = 0
_nspad = 4 if uut.s0.slowmon_hw == '1' else None
if args.slowmon_fs:
if uut.s0.slowmon_hw == '0':
print("WARNING: slowmon with no hardware assist, slowmon_fs not the absolute rate and actual rate should be tested for each combination")
uut.s0.SLOWMON_FS = args.slowmon_fs
for row, (chx, spx) in enumerate(uut.stream_slowmon(nspad=_nspad)):
if row == 0:
t0 = time.time()
t_run = time.time() - t0
#print("{} len {},{} type {},{} shape {},{}\n{} {}".format(row, len(chx), len(spx), chx.dtype, spx.dtype, chx.shape, spx.shape, chx, spx))
if args.egu == 1:
txt_row = ("{}, {}".format(row, to_egu(uut, chx[:args.pchan])))
elif args.show_raw or csv_file:
if args.show_raw == 'd':
txt_row = ("{} {} {}".format(row, str_dec(chx[:args.pchan]), str_dec(spx)))
txt_row = ("{} {} {}".format(row, str_hex(chx[:args.pchan]), str_hex(spx)))
if args.show >= 1:
txt_row = "t_run {}/{}s sample: {}".format(int(t_run), args.runtime, row)
txt_row = "{}".format(row)
if args.show >= 1:
if args.save_file:
if csv_file:
if t_run >= args.runtime:
print("Time up captured {} samples in {} seconds. Approx SLOWMON_FS {} Hz". format(row, args.runtime, row//args.runtime))
[docs]def run_main(args):
uut = acq400_hapi.factory(args.uuts[0])
run_stream(args, uut)
[docs]def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Config slowmon and run stream')
parser.add_argument('--show_raw', default=None, type=str, help="show raw data, 'd'=decimal, 'h'=hex")
parser.add_argument('--show', default=1, type=int, help="show data on screen (raw or egu)")
parser.add_argument('--pchan', default=8, type=int, help="max channels to print")
parser.add_argument('--root', default="", type=str, help="Location to save files. Default dir is UUT name.")
parser.add_argument('--runtime', default=1000000, type=int, help="How long to stream data for")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=0, type=int, help='Prints status messages as the stream is running')
parser.add_argument('--egu', type=int, default=0, help='plot egu (V vs s)')
parser.add_argument('--save_file', default=None, type=str, help="store binary output to file")
parser.add_argument('--slowmon_fs', default=None, help="set slowmon output rate if set")
parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs=1, help="uuts")
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':