#!/usr/bin/env python3
Created on 20 Jul 2023
@author: pgm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import hashlib
from prettytable import PrettyTable
ES_MAGIC0 = 0xaa55f154
ES_MAGIC1 = 0xaa55f15f
ES_CLK = 5
ES_CLK2 = 7
ES_MAGIC0_FIELDS = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11)
ES_MAGIC1_FIELDS = (16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27,
32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43,
48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59)
[docs]class ES_STATS:
the_stats = []
the_raw_ix = []
the_sample_counts = []
the_clk_counts = []
[docs] def __init__(self, _es_fields):
self.iraw = _es_fields[0]
self.sample = _es_fields[1]
self.clk = self.clk = _es_fields[2]
self.my_id = len(ES_STATS.the_stats)
if self.my_id == 0:
self.d_iraw = 0
self.d_sample = 0
self.d_clk = 0
es1 = ES_STATS.the_stats[-1]
self.d_iraw = self.iraw - es1.iraw
self.d_sample = self.sample - es1.sample
self.d_clk = self.clk - es1.clk
[docs] def print(self):
print(f'ES_STATS {self.my_id} {self.iraw} {self.sample} {self.clk}')
[docs] def print_all():
t = PrettyTable(['ii', 'iraw', 'sample', 'clk', 'delta_iraw', 'delta_sample', 'delta_clk'], border=False)
for ii, ess in enumerate(ES_STATS.the_stats):
t.add_row((ii, ess.iraw, ess.sample, ess.clk, ess.d_iraw, ess.d_sample, ess.d_clk))
[docs] def is_valid():
model_d_sample = ES_STATS.the_stats[1].d_sample
model_d_clk = ES_STATS.the_stats[1].d_clk
sample_fail_count = 0
clk_fail_count = 0
for ii, es in enumerate(ES_STATS.the_stats[2:]):
if es.d_sample != model_d_sample:
print(f'ERROR: ES fail at {ii} NSAM: expected{model_d_sample} got {es.d_sample}')
sample_fail_count += 1
if es.d_clk > model_d_clk and (es.d_clk - model_d_clk) > 1:
print(f'ERROR: ES fail > at {ii} diff: {es.d_clk - model_d_clk} CLK: expected{model_d_clk} got {es.d_clk}')
clk_fail_count += 1
if es.d_clk < model_d_clk and (model_d_clk - es.d_clk) > 1:
print(f'ERROR: ES fail < at {ii} diff: {model_d_clk - es.d_clk} CLK: expected{model_d_clk} got {es.d_clk}')
clk_fail_count += 1
return (sample_fail_count == 0 and clk_fail_count == 0, ii, sample_fail_count, clk_fail_count)
# ES_STATS.the_stats[:-1] final burst may not be complete, ignore it.
[docs] def get_raw_ix():
if len(ES_STATS.the_raw_ix) < len(ES_STATS.the_stats):
ES_STATS.the_raw_ix = [ es.iraw for es in ES_STATS.the_stats[:-1]]
return ES_STATS.the_raw_ix
[docs] def get_sample_counts():
if len(ES_STATS.the_sample_counts) < len(ES_STATS.the_stats):
ES_STATS.the_sample_counts = [ es.sample for es in ES_STATS.the_stats[:-1]]
return ES_STATS.the_sample_counts
[docs] def get_clk_counts():
if len(ES_STATS.the_clk_counts) < len(ES_STATS.the_stats):
ES_STATS.the_clk_counts = [ es.clk for es in ES_STATS.the_stats[:-1]]
return ES_STATS.the_clk_counts
[docs] def get_blen():
return ES_STATS.the_stats[1].d_sample
[docs]def is_valid_es(iraw, es):
# return if this is an ES, load it and return True FAIL fast!
# we pre-filtered es[0] == ES_MAGIC0, so we expect all PASS
for ii in ES_MAGIC0_FIELDS[1:]:
if es[ii] != ES_MAGIC0:
print(f'ES match fail at {iraw},{ii} expect:{ES_MAGIC0:08x} got:{es[ii]:08x}')
return False
for ii in ES_MAGIC1_FIELDS:
if es[ii] != ES_MAGIC1:
print(f'ES match fail at {iraw},{ii} expect:{ES_MAGIC1:08x} got:{es[ii]:08x}')
return False
if es[ES_SAMPLE] != es[ES_SAMPLE2]:
print(f'ES match fail at {iraw},{ii} SAMPLE changed {es[ES_SAMPLE]} {es[ES_SAMPLE2]}')
return False
if es[ES_CLK] != es[ES_CLK2]:
print(f'ES match fail at {iraw},{ii} CLK changed {es[ES_CLK]} {es[ES_CLK2]}')
return False
ES_STATS((iraw, es[ES_SAMPLE], es[ES_CLK]))
return True
[docs]def analyse_es(args, raw_es):
esx = np.nonzero(raw_es[:,0] == ES_MAGIC0)
print(f'type esx {type(esx)}')
valid_es = []
for ix in esx[0]:
# print(f'ix={ix}')
es = raw_es[ix,:]
# print(f'es.shape:{es.shape}')
if args.verbose > 1:
with np.printoptions(formatter={'int':hex}):
if not is_valid_es(ix, es):
print(f"Warning: invalid es at {ix}")
if args.verbose:
es_valid = ES_STATS.is_valid()
if es_valid[0]:
print(f'{DATA} ES Analysis: {es_valid[1]} PASS')
print(f'{DATA} ES Analysis: {es_valid[1]} PASS {es_valid[2]} sample FAIL {es_valid[3]} clk FAIL')
[docs]def sample_count_plot(ax):
ax.set_title(f'Plot of burst first sample count ES[{ES_SAMPLE}]')
[docs]def timing_plot(ax):
#ax1.title(f'Plot of burst start time in sample clocks\n{DATA}')
#ax1.xlabel('burst number')
ax.set_title(f'Plot of burst start time in sample clocks ES[{ES_CLK}]')
[docs]def stack_plot(raw_adc, ch, ax, label='', delta=False, stackoff=0):
print(f'stack_plot {ax}')
blen = ES_STATS.get_blen()
raw_ix = ES_STATS.get_raw_ix()
nburst = len(raw_ix)
print(f'PLOT nburst {len(raw_ix)} burst_len {blen} ch {ch}')
x = range(1, blen)
#plt.title(f'{label} Stack plot of {nburst} bursts\n{DATA}')
ax.set_title(f'{label} Stack plot of {nburst} bursts')
#plt.ylabel('ADC codes')
#plt.xlabel('samples in burst')
for ii, brst in enumerate(raw_ix):
y = raw_adc[brst+1:brst+blen,ch]+ stackoff*ii
if delta:
if ii == 0:
y0 = y
y = y - y0
if len(x) == len(y):
ax.plot(x, y, label=f'{ii}')
except ValueError:
[docs]def correlate(raw_adc, ch0, _atol, _rtol):
ref = ch0[0]
matches = {}
ref = {}
blen = ES_STATS.get_blen()
raw_ix = ES_STATS.get_raw_ix()
for ic in ch0:
matches[ic] = []
for ib, brst in enumerate(raw_ix):
for icn, ic in enumerate(ch0):
# print(f'{ib},{icn} ch:{ic+1} brst:{brst}')
y = raw_adc[brst+1:brst+blen, ic]
if ib==0:
ref[ic] = y
_match = np.allclose(y, ref[ic], atol=_atol, rtol=_rtol)
if not _match:
print(f' {ib},{icn} MATCH FAIL {ic}\n{_match}')
# print(f'[{ib}],[{ic}] : {match}')
except ValueError:
all_good = all([all(matches[ic]) for ic in ch0])
print('CORRELATE {}'.format('PASS: All Channels Match' if all_good else 'FAIL: Not all channels match'))
t = PrettyTable([f'{ch+1:02d}' for ch in ch0], border=False)
t.add_row(['T' if all(matches[ic]) else 'F' for ic in ch0])
MAX_FALLING_FIDUCIALS=2 # our FG falling edge is really quite .. slow
[docs]def analyse_fiducial(args, raw_adc):
f0 = args.fiducial_plot-1
blen = ES_STATS.get_blen()
raw_ix = ES_STATS.get_raw_ix()
means = []
falling_value_count = 0
for ib, brst in enumerate(raw_ix):
# print(f'{ib},{brst} {f0}')
means.append(np.mean(raw_adc[brst+1:brst+blen, f0]))
if ib > 0 and means[ib] < means[ib-1]:
print(f'WARNING: fiducial {args.fiducial_plot} mean goes down at burst {ib}')
falling_value_count += 1
if args.verbose > 0:
t = PrettyTable(['burst', f'mean for fiducial CH{args.fiducial_plot:0d}'], border=False)
for ib, mean in enumerate(means):
t.add_row([ib, f'{mean:.2f}'])
if falling_value_count > MAX_FALLING_FIDUCIALS:
print(f'WARNING: fiducial recorded a falling value in {falling_value_count} instances. acceptable: 0 .. {MAX_FALLING_FIDUCIALS}')
return falling_value_count
[docs]def plot_timeseries(raw_adc, ch, ax, label):
#plt.title(f'{label} Time-series plot of CH{ch}\n{DATA}')
#plt.ylabel('ADC codes')
yraw = raw_adc[:,ch]
y_no_es = np.delete(yraw, ES_STATS.get_raw_ix())
x = range(0, len(y_no_es))
ax.set_title(f'{label} Time-series plot of CH{ch}')
ax.plot(x, y_no_es, label=f'CH{ch}')
[docs]def analyse(args):
STACKOFF = args.stack_off
fname = args.data[0]
raw_adc = np.fromfile(fname, dtype=args.np_data_type)
ll = len(raw_adc)//args.nchan
raw_adc = raw_adc[0:ll*args.nchan]
raw_es = raw_adc.view(np.uint32)
raw_adc = np.reshape(raw_adc, (ll, args.nchan))
raw_es = np.reshape(raw_es, (ll, args.ess))
print(f"raw_adc {raw_adc.shape}")
print(f"raw_es {raw_es.shape}")
if args.print_hash:
m = hashlib.sha1()
print(f'fname {fname} sha1:{m.hexdigest()}')
analyse_es(args, raw_es)
if args.fiducial_plot:
ok = analyse_fiducial(args, raw_adc)
if not ok:
print("WARNING: fiducial fail")
c1, c2, _atol, _rtol = args.check_range
correlate(raw_adc, [ch-1 for ch in range(c1, c2+1) ], _atol, _rtol)
if args.stack_plot > 0:
fig, axx = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12,10))
fig.suptitle(f'Burst Mode Test: {DATA}')
stack_plot(raw_adc, args.stack_plot-1, axx[0][1], f'signal CH{args.stack_plot}', stackoff=args.stack_off)
stack_plot(raw_adc, args.stack_plot-1, axx[1][1], f'diff signal CH{args.stack_plot}', delta=True, stackoff=args.stack_off)
if args.fiducial_plot:
plot_timeseries(raw_adc, args.fiducial_plot-1, axx[2][0], f'fiducial CH{args.fiducial_plot}')
stack_plot(raw_adc, args.fiducial_plot-1, axx[2][1], f'fiducial CH{args.fiducial_plot}')
return (raw_adc, raw_es)
[docs]def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='rgm plot demo')
parser.add_argument('--nchan', type=int, default=32)
parser.add_argument('--data_type', type=int, default=None, help='Use int16 or int32 for data demux.')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', type=int, default=0, help='increase verbosity')
parser.add_argument('--stack_plot', type=int, default=0, help='if non zero, make a stack plot of selected channel')
parser.add_argument('--stack_off', type=int, default=0, help='offset each element in stack to make a waterfall chart')
parser.add_argument('--check_range', type=str, default='1,1', help='c0,c1,[atol,rtol] : range of channels to check, atol, rtol: see numpy.rclose')
parser.add_argument('--print_hash', type=int, default=0, help='print sha1 of the file (protect against possibility of duplicate data')
parser.add_argument('--fiducial_plot', type=int, default=0, help='if non zero, make a stack plot of selected channel')
parser.add_argument('--uut', help='uut for title')
parser.add_argument('data', nargs=1, help="data ")
return parser
[docs]def fix_args(args):
global DATA
if args.data_type == 16:
args.np_data_type = np.int16
args.WSIZE = 2
args.ess = args.nchan//2
elif args.data_type == 8:
args.np_data_type = np.int8
args.WSIZE = 1
rgs.ess = args.nchan//4
args.np_data_type = np.int32
args.WSIZE = 4
args.ess = args.nchan
args.ssb = args.nchan * args.WSIZE
DATA = args.data[0]
_check_range = [ int(ii) for ii in args.check_range.split(',')]
args.check_range = [ 1, 1, 500, 10 ]
for ix, val in enumerate(_check_range):
args.check_range[ix] = val
print(f'processing {DATA}')
return args
[docs]def run_main():
# execution starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':