acq400_upload and other tools generate "DirFiles",
a directory with file-per-channel.
kst2 plot can have direct support for DirFile, but more often than not,
it's missing.
pykst lets us do the same thing..
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import os
import re
has_pykst = False
if os.name != "nt":
import pykst
has_pykst = True
except ImportError:
print("WARNING: failed to import pykst, no kst plots")
[docs]def get_ch_files(dir):
ch_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
for file in files:
if '_CH' in file:
return ch_files
[docs]def title(t1):
return re.sub(r"_", r"\_", t1)
# remove me .. make ui lib fun
[docs]def list_decode(list_def):
if (list_def == ':'):
return range(1, 100)
r2 = list_def.split(':')
if len(r2) == 2:
return range(int(r2[0]), int(r2[1])+1)
return eval('( {} , )'.format(list_def))
[docs]def ch_selected(chfile, chd):
p = re.compile(r'.*_CH([0-9]{2})')
m = p.search(chfile)
if m == None:
return False
sel = chd[int(m.group(1))]
return True
except KeyError:
return False
[docs]def plot_kst(args, chx):
llen = len(chx[0])
print("plotting {} {}M points".format(llen, llen/1e6))
xsam = np.linspace(0, llen, num=llen)
client = pykst.Client(args.dirfile[0])
XX = client.new_editable_vector(xsam, name="samples")
ix = 0
for f in get_ch_files(args.dirfile[0]):
if ch_selected(f, args.chd):
YY = client.new_editable_vector(chx[ix].astype(np.float64), name=title(f))
print("adding plot {}".format(f))
client.new_plot().add(client.new_curve(XX, YY))
ix = ix + 1
[docs]def plot_matplot(args, chx):
nch = len(chx)
f, plots = plt.subplots(nch, 1)
for num, sp in enumerate([f for f in get_ch_files(args.dirfile[0]) if ch_selected(f, args.chd) ]):
[docs]def process_data(args):
args.chd = { k:1 for k in list_decode(args.ch) }
# print(args.chd)
# print("ch_files: {}".format(get_ch_files(args.dirfile[0])))
chx = [ np.fromfile("{}/{}".format(args.dirfile[0], f), dtype='int16') \
for f in get_ch_files(args.dirfile[0]) if ch_selected(f, args.chd) ]
if has_pykst == False or args.matplot == 1:
plot_matplot(args, chx)
plot_kst(args, chx)
[docs]def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='plot a dirfile')
parser.add_argument('--matplot', type=int, default=0, help='use matplot to plot, not kst')
parser.add_argument('--ch', default=':', help='channel list, default : all')
parser.add_argument('dirfile', nargs=1, help='directory with dirfile')
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':