Source code for user_apps.analysis.host_demux

#!/usr/bin/env python3

""" Demux Data on HOST Computer

  - data is stored locally, either from mgtdram/ftp or fiber-optic AFHBA404
  - channelize the data
  - optionally store file-per-channel
  - optionally plot in pykst if available
  - @@todo store to MDSplus as segments.

example usage::

    ./ --save=DATA --nchan=32 --nblks=-1 --pchan=none acq2106_067
        # load all blocks, save per channel to subdirectory DATA/data_CC.dat

    ./ --nchan=32 --nblks=4 --pchan=1:8 acq2106_067
        # plot channels 1:8, 4 blocks

    ./ --nchan=32 --nblks=-1 --pchan=1,2 acq2106_067
        # plot channels 1,2, ALL blocks
        # works for 8GB data, best to LIMIT the number of channels ..

    ./ --nchan=96 --src=/data/ACQ400DATA/1 \
        --egu=1 --xdt=2e-6 --cycle=1:4 --pchan=1:2 \
        # plot AFHBA404 data from PORT1
        # plot egu (V vs s), specify interval, plot 4 cycles, plot 2 channels
        # uut

    use of --src
        --src=/data                     # valid for FTP upload data
        --src=/data/ACQ400DATA/1 	# valid for SFP data, port 1
        --src=afhba.0.log               # one big raw file, eg from LLC

    ./ --nchan 128 --pchan 1,33,65,97 --src=/path-to/afhba.0.log acq2106_110
    # plot data from LLC, 128 channels, show one "channel" from each site.
    # 97 was actually the LSB of TLATCH.

.. rst-class:: hidden
    usage:: [-h] [--nchan NCHAN] [--nblks NBLKS] [--save SAVE]
                        [--src SRC] [--pchan PCHAN]

    host demux, host side data handling

    positional arguments:
    uut            uut

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help     show this help message and exit
    --nchan NCHAN
    --nblks NBLKS
    --save SAVE    save channelized data to dir
    --src SRC      data source root
    --pchan PCHAN  channels to plot
    --egu EGU      plot egu (V vs s)
    --xdt XDT      0: use interval from UUT, else specify interval
    --double_up    Use for ACQ480 two lines per channel mode

if --src is a file, use it directly
if --src is a directory, first check if it has cycles:
else iterate files in dir

    python .\ --save=1 --src="[dir]" --pchan=none acq2106_114

    Make sure that the muxed data is in D:\\[dir]\[UUT name]

    Where [dir] is the location of the data.

    Demuxed data will be written to D:\\demuxed\[UUT name]

    To plot subsampled data on windows:
        python .\ --src=Projects --nchan=8 \
    --pchan 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16  --plot_mpl=1:1000:1 acq2106_120


import numpy as np
import os
import re
import argparse
import subprocess
import acq400_hapi
import acq400_hapi.channel_handlers as CH
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging

# if default plot fails (eg r740), try this:
if os.getenv('HAPI_MATPLOTLIB') is not None:

has_pykst = False
if != "nt":
        import pykst
        has_pykst = True
        print("INFO: pykst selected as default plot")
    except ImportError:

logging.getLogger('matplotlib.font_manager').disabled = True

[docs]def channel_required(args, ch): # print("channel_required {} {}".format(ch, 'in' if ch in args.pc_list else 'out', args.pc_list)) return != None or args.double_up or ch in list(pc.ic for pc in args.pc_list)
[docs]def create_npdata(args, nblk, nchn): channels = [] for counter in range(nchn): if channel_required(args, counter): channels.append(np.zeros((int(nblk)*args.NSAM), dtype=args.np_data_type)) else: channels.append(np.zeros(16, dtype=args.np_data_type)) # print "length of data = ", len(total_data) # print "npdata = ", npdata return channels
[docs]def make_cycle_list(args): if args.cycle == None: cyclist = os.listdir(args.uutroot) cyclist.sort() return cyclist else: rng = args.cycle.split(':') if len(rng) > 1: cyclist = [ '{:06d}'.format(c) for c in range(int(rng[0]), int(rng[1])+1) ] elif len(args.cycle) == 6: cyclist = [ args.cycle ] else: cyclist = [ '{:06d}'.format(int(args.cycle)) ] return cyclist
[docs]def get_file_names(args): fnlist = list() # matches BOTH 0.?? for AFHBA an 0000 for FTP datapat = re.compile('[.0-9]{4,5}$') datapat_dat = re.compile('[.0-9]{4,5}.dat$') has_cycles = True for cycle in make_cycle_list(args): if cycle == "err.log": continue try: uutroot = r'{}/{}'.format(args.uutroot, cycle) print("debug") ls = os.listdir(uutroot) print("uutroot = ", uutroot) except: uutroot = args.uutroot ls = os.listdir(uutroot) has_cycles = False ls.sort() for n, file in enumerate(ls): if datapat.match(file) or datapat_dat.match(file): fnlist.append(r'{}/{}'.format(uutroot, file) ) else: print("no match {}".format(file)) if not has_cycles: break return fnlist
[docs]def read_data(args, NCHAN): # global NSAM data_files = get_file_names(args) for n, f in enumerate(data_files): print(f) if NCHAN % 3 == 0: print("collect in groups of 3 to keep alignment") GROUP = 3 else: GROUP = 1 if args.NSAM == 0: args.NSAM = GROUP*os.path.getsize(data_files[0])//args.WSIZE//NCHAN print("NSAM set {}".format(args.NSAM)) NBLK = len(data_files) if args.nblks > 0 and NBLK > args.nblks: NBLK = args.nblks data_files = [ data_files[i] for i in range(0,NBLK) ] print("NBLK {} NBLK/GROUP {} NCHAN {}".format(NBLK, NBLK/GROUP, NCHAN)) raw_channels = create_npdata(args, NBLK/GROUP, NCHAN) blocks = 0 i0 = 0 iblock = 0 for blknum, blkfile in enumerate(data_files): if blocks >= NBLK: break if blkfile != "" and blkfile != "root": if blknum == 0: args.src = blkfile # print("iblock={} blkfile={}, blknum={}".format(iblock, blkfile, blknum)) # concatenate 3 blocks to ensure modulo 3 channel align if iblock == 0: data = np.fromfile(blkfile, dtype=args.np_data_type) else: data = np.append(data, np.fromfile(blkfile, dtype=args.np_data_type)) iblock += 1 if iblock < GROUP: continue i1 = i0 + args.NSAM for ch in range(NCHAN): if channel_required(args, ch): raw_channels[ch][i0:i1] = (data[ch::NCHAN]) # print x i0 = i1 blocks += 1 iblock = 0 args.src = "{}..{}".format(args.src, os.path.basename(blkfile)) print("length of data = ", len(raw_channels)) print("length of data[0] = ", len(raw_channels[0])) print("length of data[1] = ", len(raw_channels[1])) return raw_channels
[docs]def read_data_file(args, NCHAN): # NCHAN = args.nchan data = np.fromfile(args.src, dtype=args.np_data_type) nsam = len(data)/NCHAN raw_channels = create_npdata(args, nsam, NCHAN) for ch in range(NCHAN): if channel_required(args, ch): raw_channels[ch] = data[ch::NCHAN] return raw_channels
[docs]def save_dirfile(args, raw_channels): uutname = args.uut for ch0, channel in enumerate(raw_channels): ch1 = ch0+1 if args.schan: if ch1 not in args.schan: continue data_file = open("{}/{}_{:02d}.dat".format(args.saveroot, uutname, ch1), "wb+") channel.tofile(data_file, '') print("data saved to directory: {}".format(args.saveroot)) with open("{}/format".format(args.saveroot), 'w') as fmt: fmt.write("# dirfile format file for {}\n".format(uutname)) for enum, channel in enumerate(raw_channels): fmt.write("{}_{:02d}.dat RAW s 1\n".format(uutname, enum+1))
[docs]def save_numpy(args, raw_channels): npfile = "{}/{}.npy".format(args.saveroot, args.uut) cooked = cook_data(args, raw_channels) print("save_numpy {} {}".format(npfile, cooked)), cooked)
[docs]def save_data(args, raw_channels): if == "nt": # if system is windows. path = r'{}:\\demuxed\{}'.format(args.drive_letter, args.uut) # raw string literal so we can use \ in path. if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) args.saveroot = path # set args.saveroot to windows style dir. else:["mkdir", "-p", args.saveroot]) if == 'npy': save_numpy(args, raw_channels) else: save_dirfile(args, raw_channels) return raw_channels
[docs]def plot_mpl(args, raw_channels): #real_len = len(raw_channels[0]) # this is the real length of the channel data nplot = len(args.pc_list) total_plots = int(nplot / args.traces_per_plot) if nplot % args.traces_per_plot: total_plots += 1 if total_plots > 1: fig, plots = plt.subplots(total_plots, 1, sharex=True) else: fig, p1 = plt.subplots() plots = (p1,) fig.suptitle("{} src {}".format(args.uut, args.src)) xx = None for pln, ch_handler in enumerate(args.pc_list): pln = int(pln / args.traces_per_plot) yy, meta, step = ch_handler(raw_channels, args.pses) if xx is None: xx = np.array([ (x+args.pses[0])*args.pses[2] for x in range(0, len(yy))]) meta = meta.split(' ') plots[pln].set_ylabel(meta[0]) plots[pln].set_title(plots[pln].get_title() + f' {meta[-1]}') if step: plots[pln].step(xx, yy, linewidth=0.75) else: plots[pln].plot(xx, yy, linewidth=0.75) plots[pln].grid("True", linewidth=0.2) plots[pln].ticklabel_format(style='plain') # to prevent scientific notation plots[pln].set_xlabel("Samples") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=(total_plots - 1 ) * 0.15) return None
[docs]def process_cmdline_cfg(args): ''' return list of channel_handler objects built from command line args''' print_ic = [ int(i)-1 for i in make_pc_list(args)] pl = () if args.egu == 1: pl = list(CH.ch_egu(ic, args) for ic in print_ic) else: pl = list(CH.ch_raw(ic) for ic in print_ic) if args.tai_vernier: pl = pl.extend(CH.ch_tai_vernier(args.tai_vernier-1)) return pl
[docs]def plot_data_kst(args, raw_channels): client = pykst.Client("NumpyVector") llen = len(raw_channels[0]) if args.egu == 1: if args.xdt == 0: print("WARNING ##### NO CLOCK RATE PROVIDED. TIME SCALE measured by system.") raw_input("Please press enter if you want to continue with innacurate time base.") time1 = float(args.the_uut.s0.SIG_CLK_S1_FREQ.split(" ")[-1]) xdata = np.linspace(0, llen/time1, num=llen) else: xdata = np.linspace(0, llen*args.xdt, num=llen) xname= 'time' yu = 'V' xu = 's' else: xname = 'idx' yu = 'code' xu = 'sample' xdata = np.arange(0, llen).astype(np.float64) V1 = client.new_editable_vector(xdata, name=xname) for ch in [ int(c) for c in args.pc_list]: channel = raw_channels[ch] ch1 = ch+1 yu1 = yu if args.egu: try: # chan2volts ch index from 1: channel = args.the_uut.chan2volts(ch1, channel) except IndexError: yu1 = 'code' print("ERROR: no calibration for CH{:02d}".format(ch1)) # label 1.. (human) V2 = client.new_editable_vector(channel.astype(np.float64), name="{}:CH{:02d}".format(re.sub(r"_", r"-", args.uut), ch1)) c1 = client.new_curve(V1, V2) p1 = client.new_plot() p1.set_left_label(yu1) p1.set_bottom_label(xu) p1.add(c1)
[docs]def plot_data(args, raw_channels): if has_pykst: plot_data_kst(args, raw_channels) else: plot_mpl(args, raw_channels) return None
# double_up : data is presented as [ ch010, ch011, ch020, ch021 ] .. so zip them together..
[docs]def double_up(args, d1): d2 = [] for ch in range(args.nchan): ch2 = ch * 2 ll = d1[ch2] #print ll.shape rr = d1[ch2+1] #print rr.shape mm = np.column_stack((ll, rr)) #print mm.shape mm1 = np.reshape(mm, (len(ll)*2, 1)) #print mm1.shape d2.append(mm1) return d2
[docs]def stack_480_shuffle(args, raw_data): r2 = [] for i1 in args.stack_480_cmap: r2.append(raw_data[i1]) return r2
[docs]def cook_data(args, raw_channels): clidata = {} for num, ch_handler in enumerate(args.pc_list): yy, ylabel, step = ch_handler(raw_channels, args.pses) clidata[ylabel] = yy return clidata
[docs]def process_data(args): NCHAN = args.nchan if args.double_up: NCHAN = args.nchan * 2 print("nchan = ", args.nchan) raw_data = read_data(args, NCHAN) if not os.path.isfile(args.src) else read_data_file(args, NCHAN) if args.double_up: raw_data = double_up(args, raw_data) if args.stack_480: raw_data = stack_480_shuffle(args, raw_data) if args.callback: args.callback(cook_data(args, raw_data)) if != None: save_data(args, raw_data) if args.plot and len(args.pc_list) > 0: plot_data(args, raw_data)
[docs]def make_pc_list(args): # ch in 1.. (human) if args.pchan == 'none': return list() if args.pchan == 'all': return list(range(1,args.nchan+1)) elif len(args.pchan.split(':')) > 1: lr = args.pchan.split(':') x1 = 1 if lr[0] == '' else int(lr[0]) x2 = args.nchan+1 if lr[1] == '' else int(lr[1])+1 return list(range(x1, x2)) else: return args.pchan.split(',')
[docs]def calc_stack_480(args): args.double_up = 0 if not args.stack_480: return if args.stack_480 == '2x4': args.stack_480_cmap = ( 0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7 ) args.double_up = 1 args.nchan = 8 elif args.stack_480 == '2x8': args.nchan = 16 args.stack_480_cmap = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15 ) elif args.stack_480 == '4x8': args.nchan = 32 args.stack_480_cmap = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31 ) elif args.stack_480 == '6x8': args.nchan = 48 args.stack_480_cmap = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47 ) else: print("bad option {}".format(args.stack_480)) quit() print("args.stack_480_cmap: {}".format(args.stack_480_cmap))
[docs]def getRootFromAfhba404(args): for conn in acq400_hapi.afhba404.get_connections().values(): if conn.uut == args.uut: return f'/mnt/afhba.{}/{args.uut}' print(f'getRootFromAhfba404 ERROR no connection for {args.uut}') exit(1)
[docs]def run_main(args): args.uut = args.uuts[0] if args.double_up == 0: calc_stack_480(args) args.WSIZE = 2 args.NSAM = 0 if args.data_type == None or args.nchan == None or args.egu == 1: try: args.the_uut = acq400_hapi.factory(args.uut) except: print(f'ERROR: unable to instantiate UUT {args.uut}') print("maybe it's not there and we wouldn't need if --data_type, --nchan are defined and egu=0") exit(1) if args.data_type == None: args.data_type = 32 if int(args.the_uut.s0.data32) else 16 if args.nchan == None: args.nchan = int(args.the_uut.s0.NCHAN) if args.data_type == 16: args.np_data_type = np.int16 args.WSIZE = 2 elif args.data_type == 8: args.np_data_type = np.int8 args.WSIZE = 1 else: args.np_data_type = np.int32 args.WSIZE = 4 print("data_type {} np {}".format(args.data_type, args.np_data_type)) if args.src == "@afhba404": args.uutroot = getRootFromAfhba404(args) print(f'found uutroot for {args.uut} on {args.uutroot}') elif == "nt": # do this if windows system. args.src = args.src.replace("/","\\") if os.path.isdir(args.src): args.uutroot = args.src elif os.path.isfile(args.src): args.uutroot = os.path.dirname(args.src) else: print(f'Error: unable to locate data, src {args.src}') exit(1) elif os.path.isdir(args.src): args.uutroot = os.path.join(args.src, args.uut) if not os.path.isdir(args.uutroot): args.uutroot = args.src elif os.path.isfile(args.src): args.uutroot = os.path.dirname(args.src) else: print(f'Error: unable to locate data, src {args.src}') exit(1) if != None: path_prefixes = ('/', './', '../') if args.saveroot = else: if != "nt": args.saveroot = r"{}/{}".format(args.uutroot, args.pses = [ int(x) for x in args.pses.split(':') ] if args.pcfg: args.pc_list = CH.process_pcfg(args) else: args.pc_list = process_cmdline_cfg(args) process_data(args)
[docs]def list_of_ints(string): return list(map(int, string.split(',')))
[docs]def get_parser(parser=None): if not parser: is_client = True parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Host side data demuxing and plotting') else: is_client = False parser.add_argument('--nchan', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('--nblks', type=int, default=-1) parser.add_argument('--save', type=str, default=None, help='save channelized data to dir') parser.add_argument('--src', type=str, default='/data', help='data source root') parser.add_argument('--cycle', type=str, default=None, help='cycle from rtm-t-stream-disk') parser.add_argument('--pchan', type=str, default=':', help='channels to plot') parser.add_argument('--pses', type=str, default='0:-1:1', help="plot start end stride, default: 0:-1:1") parser.add_argument('--tai_vernier', type=int, default=None, help='decode this channel as tai_vernier') parser.add_argument('--egu', type=int, default=0, help='plot egu (V vs s)') parser.add_argument('--xdt', type=float, default=0, help='0: use interval from UUT, else specify interval ') parser.add_argument('--data_type', type=int, default=None, help='Use int16 or int32 for data demux.') parser.add_argument('--double_up', type=int, default=0, help='Use for ACQ480 two lines per channel mode') parser.add_argument('--plot_mpl', type=int, default=0, help='Use MatPlotLib to plot subrate data. (legacy option)') parser.add_argument('--plot', type=int, default=1, help="plot data when set") parser.add_argument('--stack_480', type=str, default=None, help='Stack : 2x4, 2x8, 4x8, 6x8') parser.add_argument('--drive_letter', type=str, default="D", help="Which drive letter to use when on windows.") parser.add_argument('--pcfg', default=None, type=str, help="plot configuration file, overrides pchan") parser.add_argument('--callback', default=None, help="callback for external automation") parser.add_argument('--traces_per_plot', default=1, type=int, help="traces_per_plot") parser.add_argument('--schan', default=None, type=list_of_ints, help="channels to save ie 1,49,50") if is_client: parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+',help='uut - for auto configuration data_type, nchan, egu or just a label') return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': run_main(get_parser().parse_args())