Source code for user_apps.analysis.stack_rtm_2D_42518


    ./user_apps/acq400/ --trace_upload=1 --plot_data=1 --capture=-1 --save_data=./DATA/ $UUTS

Gives us::

    pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ ls -l DATA
    total 6276
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH01
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH02
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH03
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH04
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH05
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:19 acq1001_148_CH06
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:20 acq1001_279_CH05
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:20 acq1001_279_CH06
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:20 acq1001_279_CH07
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 pgm pgm 200000 Sep 24 11:20 acq1001_279_CH08

- then restack all the data as


Then plot it any way you like.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import re
import argparse
import subprocess
import acq400_hapi
import time

VERBOSE = os.getenv("VERBOSE", 0)

[docs]def get_src_names(root): p = re.compile('.*_CH[0-9][0-9]$') src_names = [] for name in os.listdir(root): if p.match(name): src_names.append(name) src_names.sort() if VERBOSE: print(src_names) return src_names
[docs]def get_esi(chx): # calculate ES indices. Only look at ch2 on all boxes # remember the ES is double width.. esn = len(chx)/8 esi = [ [] for ii in range(esn)] # index esc = [ [] for ii in range(esn)] # count (ich+1) if VERBOSE: print("sanity check, check we are looking at real data, rows with 2857759060 are es, rest is data32") for ii in range(5): print("{} {}".format(ii, [chx[ic][ii] for ic in range(len(chx))])) for ich, ch in enumerate(chx): if VERBOSE: print("ich {} len(chx) {}".format(ich, len(chx))) if ich%8 == 0: esi[ich/8] = np.where(ch == 0xaa55f154)[0] esc[ich/8] = [chx[ich-1][ii] for ii in esi[ich/8]] print("esi lengths {}".format([len(esi[ii]) for ii in range(0, len(esi))])) if VERBOSE: for ii, es in enumerate(esi): print("ii {} es {} esc {}".format(ii, es, esc)) # deltac = [ es[jj]-esi[0][jj] for jj in range(esn) ] # deltas = [ es[jj] - es[jj-1] for jj in range(1, esn)] # print("difference between channels ii {} max {}".format(ii, max(deltac))) # print("difference between bursts ii {} min {} max {}".format(ii, min(deltas), max(deltas))) errors = 0 print("scanning embedded counts..") for icount in range(len(esc[0])): cv = [esc[ic][icount] for ic in range(esn)] if icount < 5: print("ic {} {}".format(icount, cv)) if min(cv) != max(cv): print("ERROR: count discrepancy at {} {}".format(icount, cv)) errors += 1 print("scanned {}*{} counts, errors {}".format(esn, icount, errors)) lmin = len(esi[0]) truncate = False for ll in [ len(esi[ii]) for ii in range(1, len(esi))]: if ll != lmin: lmin = min(ll, lmin) print("WARNING: burst count mismatch, min is {}".format(lmin)) truncate = True bmin = esi[0][1] - esi[0][0] # for bl in [ esi[0][ii]-esi[0][ii-1] for ii in range(2,len(esi))]: # if bl != bmin: # bmin = min(bl, bmin) # print("WARNING bmin set {}".format(bmin)) print("get_esi returns nbursts {} blen {} ".format(lmin, bmin)) return lmin, bmin, esi
[docs]def get_data(args): srcs = get_src_names(args.root) nchan = len(srcs) raw = [ np.fromfile("{}/{}".format(args.root, srcs[ii]), dtype=np.int32) for ii in range(0, nchan)] nbursts, blen, esi = get_esi([ np.fromfile("{}/{}".format(args.root, srcs[ii]), dtype=np.uint32) for ii in range(0,nchan)]) chx = np.zeros((nchan, nbursts, blen+FRONTPORCH)) esi0 = esi[0] print("chx 01 3 dimension {}",len(chx[0,0])) try: for ic in range(nchan): for ib in range(nbursts-2): chx[ic, ib ] = np.right_shift(raw[ic][esi0[ib]+2:esi0[ib]+2+blen+FRONTPORCH], 14) except IndexError as ie: print("IndexError {} ic {} ib {} ii {}".format(ie, ic, ib, ii)) print("chx 99 3 dimension {}",len(chx[0,0])) print("chx 99") return chx
[docs]def fix_args(chx, args): args.nburst = len(chx[0,:,0]) - VALUE_ERRORS bursts = range(0, args.nburst) if args.burst_list: ubursts = eval('('+args.burst_list+', )') # todo no range check bursts = ubursts elif args.burst_range: ubursts = eval('range('+ args.burst_range +')') if max(ubursts) > max(bursts): bursts = range(min(ubursts), max(bursts)) else: bursts = ubursts args.bursts = bursts
[docs]def plot_data(chx, args): nchan = len(chx[:,0,0]) bursts = args.bursts blen = min(len(chx[0,0,:]), args.maxlen) plotchan = eval('[' + args.plotchan + ']') print(plotchan) print("PLOT nchan {} nburst {} blen {}".format(nchan, args.nburst, blen)) #plt.figure(1) top_plot = True sp = len(plotchan*100)+11 for ch in plotchan: plt.subplot(sp) if top_plot: plt.title("Stack plot of {} bursts {} .. {}".\ format(len(bursts), bursts[0], bursts[len(bursts)-1])) top_plot = False plt.ylabel("CH{:0}".format(ch)) sp += 1 ich = int(ch)-1 for ib in bursts: plt.plot(chx[ich,ib,:blen]+args.stack_offset*ib, label="B{}".format(ib)) if len(bursts) < 9: plt.legend()
REBASE_COMP = ( 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4) REBASE_COMP = ( 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5)
[docs]def store_chan(chx, args): blen = min(len(chx[0,0,:]), args.maxlen) nchan = len(chx[:,0,0]) try: os.mkdir(args.store_chan) except OSError as e: print("ignoring {}".format(e)) for ch in range(nchan): fn = "{}/CH{:02d}.dat".format(args.store_chan, ch+1) chx[ch,args.bursts,:blen].astype('int16').tofile(fn)
[docs]def rebase(chx, ib, ith): global VALUE_ERRORS nchan = len(chx) #print("rebase {}".format(ib)) blen = len(chx[0, ib]) try: for ic in range(nchan): ithc = ith - REBASE_COMP[ic/8] chx[ic, ib, 0:blen-ithc] = chx[ic, ib, ithc:] except ValueError as ve: print("Value Error {} {} {} {} {}".format(ve, ic, ib, len(chx[ic,ib]), len(chx[ic,ib,ith:]))) VALUE_ERRORS += 1
[docs]def realign_burst(chx, ib, iref): #print("realign on {}".format(iref)) baseline = np.mean(chx[iref, 0, 0:5]) tophat = np.mean(chx[iref, 0, FRONTPORCH:FRONTPORCH+5]) if tophat - baseline > 1000: threshold = baseline + (tophat-baseline)/10 #print("iref {} baseline {} tophat {} th={}".format(iref, baseline, tophat, threshold)) for ii in range(FRONTPORCH): if chx[iref, ib, ii] > threshold: #print("iref {} ib {} threshold crossed at {}".format(iref, ib, ii)) rebase(chx, ib, ii) break else: print("iref {} ERROR: enough amplitude baseline {} tophat {}".format(iref, baseline, tophat))
[docs]def realign(chx, iref): for ib in range(len(chx[0,:])): realign_burst(chx, ib, iref)
[docs]def process_data(args): chx = get_data(args) if args.alignref != None and args.alignref > 0: # index from zero realign(chx, args.alignref-1) fix_args(chx, args) if args.plotchan != '0': plot_data(chx, args) if args.store_chan: store_chan(chx, args)
[docs]def run_main(args): if os.path.isdir(args.root): print("using data from {}".format(args.root)) process_data(args) else: print("ERROR: --root {} is not a directory".format(args.root))
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='acq425 2D data plotter') parser.add_argument('--plotchan', type=str, default='1,17', help='list of channels to plot') parser.add_argument('--stack_offset', type=int, default=100, help='separate channels in plot') parser.add_argument('--burst_range', type=str, default=None, help='min, max, [stride] bursts to plot') parser.add_argument('--burst_list', type=str, default=None, help='list of bursts to plot') parser.add_argument('--maxlen', type=int, default=999999, help='max length per burst to plot') parser.add_argument('--root', type=str, default="./DATA", help='directory with data') parser.add_argument('--alignref', type=int, default=None, help='realign on this channel [index from 1]') parser.add_argument('--store_chan', type=str, default=None, help='directory to store result by channel') return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': run_main(get_parser().parse_args())