Source code for user_apps.special.bolo8_cal_cap_loop

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" ..

run a bolo8 calibration, store to MDSplus ODD shot

run a bolo8 capture, store to MDSplus EVEN shot

ASSUME : each uut has a tree of the same name

Script calls into MDSplus to increment shots, so it MUST run on the MDSplus server


    run one cal, one capture
    ./ --shots=1 acq2106_059

    run 100 cal/captures
    ./ --shots=100 acq2106_059

    run one cal
    ./ --cap=0 --shots=1 acq2106_059

    run 100 captures
    ./ --cal=0 --shots=100 acq2106_059

.. rst-class:: hidden

    sage: [-h] [--cap CAP] [--cal CAL] [--post POST]
                                [--clk CLK] [--trg TRG] [--shots SHOTS]
                                uuts [uuts ...]


    positional arguments:
    uuts           uut list

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help     show this help message and exit
    --cap CAP      capture
    --cal CAL      calibrate
    --post POST    post trigger length
    --clk CLK      clk "int|ext SR [CR]"
    --trg TRG      trg "int|ext rising|falling"
    --shots SHOTS  set number of shots [1]


import sys
import os
import acq400_hapi
import argparse
import time

    from MDSplus import *

[docs]def odd(n): return n%2 == 1
[docs]def even(n): return n%2 == 0
__shot = 0
[docs]def null_set_next_shot(args, flavour, info): global __shot __shot += 1 return __shot
[docs]def mds_set_next_shot(args, flavour, info): old_shots = [Tree.getCurrent(u) for u in args.uuts] sn = max(old_shots) + 1 # this is only going to run once while not flavour(sn): sn += 1 for tree in args.uuts: print("Setting {} for {} to shot {}".format(tree, info, sn)) Tree.setCurrent(tree, sn) Tree(tree, -1).createPulse(sn) return sn
if USING_MDSPLUS: set_next_shot = mds_set_next_shot else: set_next_shot = null_set_next_shot
[docs]def run_cal1(uut, shot): txt = uut.run_service(acq400_hapi.AcqPorts.BOLO8_CAL, eof="END") logfile = "{}/cal_{}.log".format(os.getenv("{}_path".format(uut.uut), "."), shot) try: with open(logfile, 'w') as log: print("logging to {}".format(logfile)) log.write(txt) except IOError as e: logfile = "./cal_{}.log".format(shot) with open(logfile, 'w') as log: print("logging to {}".format(logfile)) log.write(txt)
# Singleton
[docs]class FPGPIO_Strobe: _instance = None _old_value = None
[docs] def __init__(self, _uut): self.uut = _uut self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self): self.uut.s0.SIG_EVENT_SRC_1 = 'HDMI_GPIO' self.uut.s0.SIG_FP_GPIO = 'EVT1' print("connect @@TODO gpg") self.uut.s0.GPG_ENABLE = '0' pass
[docs] def set_value(self, value): if value > 1: self.uut.s0.SIG_EVENT_SRC_1 = 'GPG' self.uut.s0.GPG_ENABLE = '1' else: if self._old_value is not None and self._old_value > 1: self.uut.s0.GPG_ENABLE = '0' self.uut.s0.SIG_SYNC_BUS_OUT_GPIO = value self._old_value = value
[docs] def instance(_uut): if FPGPIO_Strobe._instance is None: FPGPIO_Strobe._instance = FPGPIO_Strobe(_uut) return FPGPIO_Strobe._instance
[docs]def run_cal(args): uuts = args.uut_instances if args.fpgpio_strobe is not None: FPGPIO_Strobe.instance(uuts[0]).set_value(0) for u in uuts: # trg=1,1,1 external d1 RISING u.old_trg = u.s1.trg.split(' ')[0].split('=')[1] u.s1.trg = "1,1,1" # Set soft trigger for calibration. shot = set_next_shot(args, odd, "Cal") # hmm, running the cal serialised?. not cool, parallelize me .. for u in uuts: run_cal1(u, shot) # unfortunately this sleep seems to be necessary, else subsequent shot HANGS at 21760 time.sleep(2) for u in uuts: u.s1.trg = u.old_trg if args.single_calibration_only == 1: shot = set_next_shot(args, even, "Cap")
[docs]def run_capture(args): uuts = args.uut_instances shot = set_next_shot(args, even, "Cap") if args.fpgpio_strobe is not None: FPGPIO_Strobe.instance(uuts[0]).set_value(args.fpgpio_strobe) for u in uuts: u.s0.transient = "POST={} SOFT_TRIGGER=0 DEMUX=0".format( if args.trg == "ext rising" or args.trg == "ext": u.s1.trg = "1,0,1" elif args.trg == "ext falling": u.s1.trg = "1,0,0" for u in uuts: u.s0.set_arm = '1' for u in uuts: u.statmon.wait_armed() if args.trg == "int": # again, not really parallel for u in uuts: print("trigger") u.s0.soft_trigger = '1' for u in uuts: u.statmon.wait_stopped() if args.fpgpio_strobe is not None: FPGPIO_Strobe.instance(uuts[0]).set_value(0) for u in uuts: u.s14.DSP_RESET = 1 time.sleep(0.1) u.s14.DSP_RESET = 0
[docs]def run_shots(args): if args.active_chan is not None: ac_list = args.active_chan.split(';') for ii, u in enumerate(args.uut_instances): u.s14.BOLO_ACTIVE_CHAN = ac_list[ii if ii < len(ac_list) else 0] for shot in range(1, args.shots+1): print("Cycle {}".format(shot)) if run_cal(args) if args.cap: run_capture(args)
[docs]def run_main(args): if is not None: args.cap = 1 if == 0x1 else 0 = 1 if == 0x2 else 0 if args.single_calibration_only == 1: print("setting single calibration mode, overwrites other settings") args.cap = 0 = 1 args.shots = 1 args.uut_instances = [acq400_hapi.factory(u) for u in args.uuts] run_shots(args)
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bolo8 calibration and capture') parser.add_argument('--cap', default=1, type=int, help="capture") parser.add_argument('--cal', default=1, type=int, help="calibrate") parser.add_argument('--cc', default=None, type=int, help="--cc=1 sets cap=1,cal=0; --cc=2 => cap=0,cal=1; --cc=3 => cal=1,cap=1") parser.add_argument('--single_calibration_only', default=0, type=int, help="run one calibration shot only") parser.add_argument('--post', default=100000, help="post trigger length") parser.add_argument('--clk', default="int 1000000", help='clk "int|ext SR [CR]"') parser.add_argument('--trg', default="int", help='trg "int|ext rising|falling"') parser.add_argument('--shots', default=1, type=int, help='set number of shots [1]') parser.add_argument('--active_chan', default=None, help='comma separated list of active channels, ; to split between uuts (because not all channels have foils)') parser.add_argument('--fpgpio_strobe', default=None, type=int, help='custom lamp control: 0: OFF, 1:ON >1: flash at N Hz') parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+', help="uut list") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': run_main(get_parser().parse_args())