Source code for user_apps.utils.bigplota


import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess

FMT = "%s/ACQ400DATA/%d/%s/%06d/%d.%02d"

[docs]def get_uut(): p1 = subprocess.Popen(['get-ident'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return p1.communicate()[0].strip().split(' ')
uut = "acq2106_000" #(host, uut) = get_uut()
[docs]def load3(base="/data", lun=0, uut=uut, cycle=1, buf0=0, nchan=48): if buf0 % 3 != 0: print("ERROR, buf %d not modulo 3" % (buf0)) exit(1) print("load3 {}".format(FMT % (base, lun, uut, cycle, lun, buf0))) b3 = tuple([ np.fromfile(FMT % (base, lun, uut, cycle, lun, buf0+x), np.int16) for x in range(3)] ) raw = np.concatenate(b3) chx = np.reshape(raw, (raw.size/nchan, nchan)) return (chx, lun, uut, cycle, nchan)
[docs]def plot16(l3, ic=0, nc=16): (chx, lun, uut, cycle, nchan) = l3 for ch in range(ic,ic+nc): plt.plot(chx[:,ch]) plt.title("uut: {} lun:{} ch {}..{}".format(uut, lun, ic+1, ic+nc+1)) plt.xlabel("cycle {:06}".format(cycle))
[docs]class LoadsHost:
[docs] def __init__(self, host, uut): self.uut = uut = host
[docs] def load3(self, lun=0, cycle=1, buf0=0, nchan=48): return load3("data/{}".format(, lun, self.uut, cycle, buf0, nchan)
loaders = [ LoadsHost(h, u) for (h, u) in (("Bolby", "acq2106_070"), ("Betso", "acq2106_071"), ("Ladna", "acq2106_072"), ("Vindo", "acq2106_073"))]
[docs]def get4(lun=0, cycle=1, buf0=0): return [ l.load3(lun, cycle, buf0) for l in loaders]
[docs]def bigplota(args): lenb = 0x400000 len3 = 3*lenb ssize= 48*2 sam3 = len3/ssize buffc = 99 buffc3 = buffc/3 M1 = 1000000 SR = 2*M1 pulsem = (0, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, 100, 200) pp = 0 for p in pulsem: samples = p*M1 buf3s = samples / sam3 residue = samples - buf3s * sam3 # residue, samples in triplet cycle = buf3s/buffc3 # cycle from 0 cycb = 3*(buf3s - cycle*buffc3) # buffer in cycle, first of 3 buffers = buf3s * 3 cycle += 1 # counts from 1 print("samples {} buffers {} residue {} cycle {} buffc {}".format( samples, buffers, residue, cycle, cycb)) chx = get4(cycle=cycle, buf0=cycb) u0 = args.u1 - 1 u1 = args.u2 if args.u2 >= args.u1 else args.ucount+u0 c0 = args.c1 - 1 c1 = args.c2 if args.c2 >= args.c1 else args.ccount+c0 print("Hello {}".format(args.subplots)) for u in range(u0, u1): if args.subplots: print("subplot {},{},{}".format(u1-u0,1,u1-u)) ax = plt.subplot(u1-u0,1,u) for c in range(c0, c1): plt.plot(chx[u][0][:,c], label='a{}.{}'.format(chx[u][2][8:], c+1)) if args.subplots: ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) if args.subplots == 0: plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) plt.title("UUTS:{} at t {}s, pulse {} at sample {}".format(list(range(u0+1,u1+1)), p*M1/SR, pp, p*M1)) plt.axvline(x=residue) plt.xlabel('cycle:{} buf:{}'.format(cycle, cycb)) pp += 1
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="plots selected pulses") parser.add_argument("--u1", type=int, default=1, help="first uut (count from 1)") parser.add_argument("--u2", type=int, default=-1, help="last uut (count from 1), inclusive") parser.add_argument("--ucount", type=int, default=4, help="uut count unless overriden by --u2") parser.add_argument("--c1", type=int, default=1, help="first channel (count from 1)") parser.add_argument("--c2", type=int, default=-1, help="last channel (count from 1), inclusive") parser.add_argument("--ccount", type=int, default=4, help="channel count unless overridden by --c2") parser.add_argument("--subplots", type=int, default=0, help="set to 1 to plot with subplots per uut") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': bigplota(get_parser().parse_args())