'''Fixup cs studio workspace
Created on 19 Jun 2021
@author: pgm
import acq400_hapi
import argparse
import os
import re
import sys
[docs]def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='acq400_remote_script')
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', default=0, help="show more info")
parser.add_argument('--olduser', default=None, help="user name to change")
parser.add_argument('--newuser', default=None, help="user name to change")
# parser.add_argument('--uuts', default=None, help="uuts to change [uut[1][,uut2[,uut3...]]]]")
parser.add_argument('ws', nargs='+', help="workspace[s] to change")
return parser
# ASCII ROOLS OK, BackSlash, ForwardSlash
BS = 0x5c
"""ASCII BackSlash"""
FS = 0x2f
"""ASCII ForwardSlash"""
# URI is in Unix notation, AND must have leading FS
[pgm@hoy5 acq400_hapi]$ hexdump -C /home/pgm/SANDBOX/DOC-215920-01-FAT/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/ACQ400/.location
00000000 40 b1 8b 81 23 bc 00 14 1a 25 96 e7 a3 93 be 1e |@...#....%......|
00000010 00 2d 55 52 49 2f 2f 66 69 6c 65 3a 2f 43 3a 2f |.-URI//file:/C:/|
00000020 55 73 65 72 73 2f 70 67 6d 30 30 2f 50 52 4f 4a |Users/pgm00/PROJ|
00000030 45 43 54 53 2f 41 43 51 34 30 30 43 53 53 2f 41 |ECTS/ACQ400CSS/A|
00000040 43 51 34 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 58 fb |CQ400.........X.|
00000050 f3 23 bc 00 14 1a 51 f3 8c 7b bb 77 c6 |.#....Q..{.w.|
[docs]def fixup(args, ws):
print("fixup {}".format(ws))
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(ws):
for file in files:
path = subdir+os.sep+file
file_changed = False
wmode = None
if path.endswith(".old"):
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
text = fp.read()
for match in re.finditer(args.pat, text):
print("MATCH {} start:{} end:{}".format(match, match.start(), match.end()))
file_changed = True
wmode = 'w'
if file_changed:
text = text.replace(args.olduser, args.newuser)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
text = fp.read()
for match in re.finditer(args.bpat, text):
print("Binary File match {} start:{} end:{}".format(match, match.start(), match.end()))
print("here is our match {}".format(text[match.start():match.end()]))
print("here is what's next {}".format(text[match.end():match.end()+20]))
trailer_start = match.end()
trailer_end = trailer_start+1
while text[trailer_end] != 0:
trailer_end += 1
headroom_end = trailer_end + 1
while text[headroom_end] == 0:
headroom_end += 1
print("trailer {}, headroom {}".format(text[trailer_start:trailer_end], headroom_end - trailer_end))
sub_bytes = args.newuser.encode()
if len(sub_bytes) > (match.end() - match.start()) + (headroom_end - trailer_end):
print("ERROR: unable to fit new name {} in binary file".format(args.user))
trailer = text[trailer_start:trailer_end]
cursor = match.start()
text = bytearray(text)
for b in sub_bytes:
text[cursor] = b
cursor += 1
for b in trailer:
text[cursor] = b
cursor += 1
for x in range(cursor, headroom_end):
text[cursor] = 0
cursor += 1
file_changed = True
wmode = 'wb'
if file_changed:
print("acting on file_changed {}".format(path))
os.rename(path, path+".old")
with open(path, wmode) as fp:
[docs]def run_main(args):
#args.pat = re.compile(r'/home/pgm/')
args.pat = re.compile('({})'.format(args.olduser))
args.bpat = re.compile(('(' + args.olduser + ')' ).encode())
for ws in args.ws:
fixup(args, ws)
# execution starts here
if __name__ == '__main__':