Source code for user_apps.utils.make_waves

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''make_waves ... 

make a related set of waveforms, store as raw binary, one file per channel
Created on 8 Jun 2021

@author: pgm

import numpy as np
import argparse
import sys
import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import acq400_hapi

[docs]def ramp_wave(args): return np.linspace(-args.amp, args.amp, num=args.pattern_len)
[docs]def sine_wave(args): return np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, num=args.pattern_len))
[docs]def sinc_wave(args): raw = np.sinc(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, num=args.pattern_len)) left = 0 while raw[left] < 0: raw[left] = 0 left+=1 right = len(raw)-1 while raw[right] < 0: raw[right] = 0 right -= 1 return raw
[docs]def np_type(args): return np.int32 if args.res != 16 else np.int16
[docs]def make_waves(args, iarg): print("make_waves") args.fn = eval(args.fxn+"_wave") ch0 = args.fn(args) print("shape ch0 {}".format(ch0.shape)) args.chx = np.zeros([args.len, args.nchan]) for ch in range(0, args.nchan): offset = (ch - args.nchan/2)*args.offset_per_channel prefix = np.zeros(args.stagger*ch) args.chx[:,ch] = np.append(np.append(prefix, ch0), np.zeros(args.len-len(prefix)-args.pattern_len)) + offset
[docs]def store_files(args, iarg): print("store_files") if args.root: for ch in range(0, args.nchan): offset = (ch - args.nchan/2)*args.offset_per_channel args.chx[:,ch].tofile("{}/ch{:02d}_{}_{}+{:.2}V.dat". format(args.root, ch, args.len, args.amp, offset))
[docs]def scale_raw(args, iarg): scale = (1 << (args.res-1))/args.vmax rawv = (args.chx * scale) args.raw = (args.chx * scale).astype(np_type(args)) print("scale_raw {} {} {}".format(args.raw.shape, args.raw.size, args.raw.dtype))
[docs]def store_raw(args, iarg): print("store_raw {} {} {}".format(args.raw.shape, args.raw.size, args.raw.dtype)) args.raw.tofile("{}/myfile.raw".format(args.root))
[docs]def load_files(args, iarg): print("load_files @@todo")
[docs]def load_raw(args, iarg): print("load_raw") args.raw = np.fromfile("{}/myfile.raw".format(args.root), np_type(args)).reshape((-1,args.nchan))
[docs]def plot1(args, iarg): print("shape of plot data {}".format(args.raw.shape)) plt.plot(args.raw)
[docs]class ExitException(BaseException): pass
[docs]def load_uut(args, iarg): uut = None args.continuous = False args.autorearm = False print("load_uut {}".format(" ".join(args.ops[iarg:]))) for ix, pram in enumerate(args.ops[iarg+1:]): print("hello {} {}".format(ix, pram)) if ix == 0: print("uut set {}".format(pram)) uut = acq400_hapi.factory(pram) continue if pram == "continuous": args.continuous = True if pram == "autorearm": args.autorearm = True if uut: if args.continuous: uut.s0.awg = 'SOFT_TRIGGER=0' if (acq400_hapi.intpv(uut.s1.AWG_ACTIVE)) == 1: print("AWG already running: call a halt") uut.s1.AWG_MODE_ABO = '1' time.sleep(1) while acq400_hapi.intpv(uut.s1.AWG_MODE_ABO) == 1: time.sleep(0.2) args.rawx = args.raw if args.expand_to: wordsize = (4 if args.res != 16 else 2) sizeof_raw = args.raw.size * wordsize reps = args.expand_to // sizeof_raw print("source {} X {} => {} (buffer {})". format(sizeof_raw, reps, reps*sizeof_raw, args.expand_to)) dist_bufferlen = reps*sizeof_raw/4 print("dist_bufferlen set {}".format(dist_bufferlen)) uut.s0.dist_bufferlen_play = dist_bufferlen for exp in range(1, reps): args.rawx = np.append(args.rawx, args.raw) print("expand {} {} {} bytes {}". format(args.rawx.shape, args.rawx.size, args.rawx.dtype, args.rawx.size*wordsize)) uut.load_awg(args.rawx, autorearm=args.autorearm, continuous=args.continuous) if args.soft_trigger: uut.s0.soft_trigger = '1' else: print("ERROR: uut not specified") print("exit") raise ExitException
[docs]def is_param(args, iarg): print("is_param")
OPS = { "generate": make_waves, "store_files": store_files, "load_files": load_files, "store_raw": store_raw, "load_raw": load_raw, "scale_raw": scale_raw, "plot1": plot1, "load_uut": load_uut, "UUT": is_param, "continuous": is_param, "autorearm": is_param }
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Make set of waveforms') parser.add_argument('--nchan', default=16, type=int, help="number of channels in set") parser.add_argument('--len', default=100000, type=int, help="number of samples in set") parser.add_argument('--pulse', default=0, type=int, help="length of pulse inside set") parser.add_argument('--stagger', default=0, type=int, help="length of pulse inside set") parser.add_argument('--amp', default=1.0, type=float, help="amplitude in volts") parser.add_argument('--ncycles', default=8, type=int, help="number of waveform cycles in set") parser.add_argument('--offset_per_channel', default=0.0, type=float, help="offset in volts *ch") parser.add_argument('--res', default=16, type=int, help="word size in bits") parser.add_argument('--vmax', default=10.0, type=float, help="full scale voltage (always symmetrical twos comp") parser.add_argument('--fxn', default='ramp', help="function to execute ramp or sin") parser.add_argument('--root', default='DATA', help="offset in volts *ch") parser.add_argument('--merge', default=1, help="merge data into single binary") parser.add_argument('--expand_to', default=4*0x400000, help="expand to fit binary block size") parser.add_argument('--soft_trigger', default=1, type=int, help="auto soft trigger on load") parser.add_argument('ops', nargs='+', help="operations: one or more of "+" ".join(OPS)+" # for UUT, substitute UUT name") return parser
[docs]def run_main(args): if args.pulse: args.pattern_len = args.pulse else: args.pattern_len = args.len for iarg, op in enumerate(args.ops): try: OPS[op](args, iarg) except ExitException: print("quitting time") sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print("rejected {} {}".format(op, e)) sys.exit(0)
# execution starts here if __name__ == '__main__': run_main(get_parser().parse_args())