usage: [-h] [--save_data SAVE_DATA] [--plot_data PLOT_DATA] [--one_plot ONE_PLOT] [--trace_upload TRACE_UPLOAD] [--channels CHANNELS] [--pre PRE]
[--post POST] [--demux DEMUX] [--clk CLK] [--trg TRG] [--sim SIM] [--trace TRACE] [--auto_soft_trigger AUTO_SOFT_TRIGGER] [--clear_counters]
[--soft_trigger SOFT_TRIGGER] [--capture CAPTURE] [--remote_trigger REMOTE_TRIGGER] [--wrtd_tx WRTD_TX] [--shots SHOTS]
[--newobjectsplease NEWOBJECTSPLEASE] [--sig_gen SIG_GEN] [--soft_soft SOFT_SOFT] [--validate_triggers VALIDATE_TRIGGERS] [--stl STL]
[--es_enable ES_ENABLE]
uuts [uuts ...]
Positional Arguments
- uuts
Named Arguments
- --save_data
store data to specified directory, suffix {} for shot #
- --plot_data
0: plot data, all channels. N: first N, -N: first N, all one plot
- --one_plot
1: plot data
- --trace_upload
1: verbose upload
Default: 0
- --channels
comma separated channel list
Default: “()”
- --pre
pre-trigger samples
Default: 0
- --post
post-trigger samples
Default: 100000
- --demux
embedded demux
Default: 1
- --clk
- --trg
- --sim
s1[,s2,s3..] list of sites to run in simulate mode
- --trace
1 : enable command tracing
- --auto_soft_trigger
force soft trigger generation
Default: 0
- --clear_counters
clear all counters SLOW
Default: False
- --soft_trigger
help use soft trigger on capture
Default: 1
- --capture
1: capture data, 0: wait for someone else to capture, -1: just upload
Default: 0
- --remote_trigger
options: EXT
- --wrtd_tx
release a wrtd_tx when all boards read .. works when free-running trigger
Default: 0
- --shots
number of shots to run
Default: 1
- --newobjectsplease
create new object instantiations every run
Default: 0
- --sig_gen
Network of Agilent 33210A or equivalent.
- --soft_soft
double soft trigger, first a start trig, then a pre->post event trig
- --validate_triggers
check trigger counts after each shot
Default: 0
- --stl
GPG pulse pattern STL
Default: “./test.stl”
- --es_enable
enable/disable Event Signature (default: no touch)
Configure uut for Burst RGM operation, with bursts self-stimulated from the Gate Pulse Generator GPG.
- This program makes initial customisation:
set_rgm(): configures Burst RGM
set_gpg(): configures Gate Pulse Generator GPG
Example usage:
NETCLIENT_TRACE=1 SITECLIENT_TRACE=1 ./user_apps/acq400/ --capture=1 --remote_trigger=EXT --pre=0 --post=4000000 --stl ./STL/4x2Hz.stl --es_enable=0 --channels=1,2 --plot_data=-2 acq2106_178
ref: acq2106-gpg-acq48x-fat-r2
START trigger is supplied ONCE on FP TRG (TRG.d0) GPG provides BURST pulses on EVT.d0 to both ADC system and output on AUX2