Source code for user_apps.acq2106.mgtdramshot

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Capture to MGTDRAM

- optional capture to mgtdram
- manage upload
- optional validation

assumes that clocking has been pre-assigned.

example usage::

    #Capture, fill dram and offload
    ./user_apps/acq2106/ --captureblocks=2000 --offloadblocks=2000 acq2106_007

    #Capture 1GB triggered by siggen and offload, 100 loops
    ./user_apps/acq2106/ --loop=100 --captureblocks=250 --offloadblocks=250\
        --overwrite=1 --trg=ext,rising --siggen=SG0131 acq2106_007                                  

    #Capture, validate then offload, 100 loops
    ./ --loop=100 --sim=1 --validate=validate-6x480 --captureblocks=2000 \
        --offloadblocks=2000 acq2106_007

.. rst-class:: hidden
    usage: [-h] [--clk CLK] [--trg TRG] [--sim SIM] [--trace TRACE]
                        [--auto_soft_trigger AUTO_SOFT_TRIGGER] [--clear_counters] [--loop LOOP]
                        [--captureblocks CAPTUREBLOCKS] [--offloadblocks OFFLOADBLOCKS]
                        [--validate VALIDATE] [--wait_user WAIT_USER] [--wait_shot WAIT_SHOT]
                        [--save_data SAVE_DATA] [--shot SHOT] [--twa TWA] [--overwrite OVERWRITE]
                        [--siggen SIGGEN] [--logprint LOGPRINT]
                        uuts [uuts ...]

    mgtdram test

    positional arguments:
    uuts                  uut

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --clk CLK             int|ext|zclk|xclk,fpclk,SR,[FIN]
    --trg TRG             int|ext,rising|falling
    --sim SIM             s1[,s2,s3..] list of sites to run in simulate mode
    --trace TRACE         1 : enable command tracing
    --auto_soft_trigger AUTO_SOFT_TRIGGER
                            force soft trigger generation
    --clear_counters      clear all counters SLOW
    --loop LOOP           loop count
    --captureblocks CAPTUREBLOCKS
                            number of 4MB blocks to capture
    --offloadblocks OFFLOADBLOCKS
                            blocks to offload
    --validate VALIDATE   program to validate data
    --wait_user WAIT_USER
                            1: force user input each shot
    --wait_shot WAIT_SHOT
                            1: wait for some external agent to run the shot, then offload all
    --save_data SAVE_DATA
                            Whether or not to save data to a file in 4MB chunks. Default: 1
    --shot SHOT           set a shot number
    --twa TWA             trigger_when_armed
    --overwrite OVERWRITE
                            0: new file per shot 1: same file per shot
    --siggen SIGGEN       siggen hostname to trigger when armed
    --logprint LOGPRINT   1: Print log messages. 2: Save reduced log to log file.

import sys
import datetime
import acq400_hapi
import argparse
import re
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    from future import builtins
    from builtins import input
import socket
import os
import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    HAS_PLOT = True
    HAS_PLOT = False
import time

import multiprocessing as mp
from threading import Thread

LOG = None

MGT_BLOCK_BYTES = acq400_hapi.Acq2106_Mgtdram8.MGT_BLOCK_BYTES

[docs]def logprint(message): """ logprint = 1: Print output only to stdout logprint = 2: Print output to stdout, also save to config file. """ if _logprint: print(message) if _logprint > 1: with open("./mgt_{}.log".format(uut_name)) as fp: fp.write(message) return None
[docs]def validate_streamed_data(good_data, test_data, cycle): # Using this method there is no detectable overhead. compare_data = good_data + ((cycle) * good_data[-1]) if not np.array_equal(test_data, compare_data[0:test_data.size]): print("Discrepency in data found in cycle: {}, quitting now.".format(cycle)) print("Length good: {}, length test: {}".format( good_data.shape, test_data.shape)) if HAS_PLOT: f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharey=True) ax1.plot(compare_data) ax1.plot(test_data) ax2.plot(compare_data) ax3.plot(test_data) ax1.grid(True) ax2.grid(True) ax3.grid(True) else: print("plot not available") exit(1) return None
[docs]def UploadStatus(report_interval): def filter(new_buf): filter.currentbytes += len(new_buf) if filter.currentbytes - filter.lastreport > report_interval: print('.', end='', flush=True) filter.lastreport = filter.currentbytes filter.currentbytes = 0 filter.lastreport = 0 return filter
[docs]def host_pull(args, uut, shot): # set up a RawClient to pull data from the mgtdram host_pull port. rc = uut.create_mgtdram_pull_client() uut_name = uut.uut first_run = True nchan = int(uut.s0.NCHAN) group = 12 if nchan%3 == 0 else 16 if args.offloadblocks_count%group != 0: nblocks = (args.offloadblocks_count//group + 1)*group else: nblocks = args.offloadblocks_count nbytes = nblocks*MGT_BLOCK_BYTES nread = 0 _data_size = uut.data_size() bn = 0 # block number. redundant, there will be only one block. buffer = None rootdir = os.path.join(args.root, uut_name) if not os.path.isdir(rootdir): os.makedirs(rootdir) print("Starting host pull {} bytes now data size {}".format(nbytes, _data_size)) for buffer in rc.get_blocks(nbytes, data_size=_data_size): if first_run: good_data = buffer first_run = False if args.save_data == 1: if args.overwrite: shot = 0 fn = os.path.join(rootdir, f"{shot:04d}.dat") buffer.tofile(fn) print(f"Data saved to {fn}") else: print("Block {} pulled, size bytes : {}.".format(bn, buffer.size)) if args.validate != 'no': validate_streamed_data(good_data, buffer, bn) bn += 1 nread += len(buffer) * _data_size if nread >= nbytes: break if buffer is None or len(buffer) == 0: print("Data offload failed.") print("Pulled {} blocks.".format(bn)) exit(1) rc.sock.close() logprint("Data offloaded {} blocks {}".format( bn, "" if args.validate == 'no' else "and all data validation passed.")) return nread
[docs]def write_console(message): # explicit flush needed to avoid lockup on Windows. sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class UploadFilter:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.okregex = re.compile(r"axi0 start OK ([0-9]{4}) OK") self.line = 0
def __call__(self, st): st = st.rstrip() LOG.write("{}\n".format(st)) if != None: if self.line % 10 != 0: write_console('.') else: write_console("{}".format(self.line/10)) self.line += 1 if self.line > 100: write_console('\n') self.line = 0 else: if self.line != 0: write_console('\n') write_console(">{}\n".format(st)) self.line = 0
[docs]class AtFilter:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.filter_regex_set = (re.compile(r"@@@"), re.compile(r"process"), re.compile(r"log file"))
def __call__(self, st): st = st.rstrip() for f in self.filter_regex_set: if != None: return write_console("{}\n".format(st))
[docs]def run_shot(uut, args): # always capture over. The offload is zero based anyway, so add another one uut.s14.mgt_run_shot = args.captureblocks if args.siggen: Thread(target=trigger_on_arm, args=(uut, args.siggen)).start() uut.run_mgt(AtFilter()) return int(uut.s1.shot)
[docs]def trigger_on_arm(uut, siggen): """trigger siggen when uut reaches arm""" while acq400_hapi.pv(uut.s0.CONTINUOUS_STATE) != 'ARM': time.sleep(1) acq400_hapi.Agilent33210A(siggen).trigger()
[docs]def wait_shot(uut, args): if args.offloadblocks != 'capture': args.offloadblocks_count = acq400_hapi.intpv(uut.s0.BLT_BUFFERS_M) uut.run_mgt(AtFilter(), set_arm=False) return int(uut.s1.shot)
[docs]def run_offload(uut, args, shot): return host_pull(args, uut, shot)
[docs]def run_shots(args): global LOG global _logprint # print("run_shots {}".format(args)) _logprint = args.logprint global uut_name uut_name = args.uut nbytes = 0 time_start = time.time() print("run_shots {}".format(uut_name)) LOG = open("mgtdramshot-{}.log".format(uut_name), "w") uut = acq400_hapi.Acq2106_Mgtdram8(args.uut) acq400_hapi.Acq400UI.exec_args(uut, args) if args.captureblocks != 0: uut.s0.BLT_BUFFERS = args.captureblocks args.captureblocks = acq400_hapi.intpv(uut.s0.BLT_BUFFERS_M) if args.offloadblocks != 'capture': args.offloadblocks_count = int(args.offloadblocks) else: args.offloadblocks_count = acq400_hapi.intpv(uut.s0.BLT_BUFFERS_M) print("offload {} buffers from uut".format(args.offloadblocks_count)) uut.s14.mgt_taskset = '1' if args.validate == 'yes' or args.validate == '1': for s in uut.modules: uut.modules[s].simulate = 1 try: actions="" if args.captureblocks != 0: actions = "cap" if args.offloadblocks_count != 0: if len(actions): actions = "{}+{}".format(actions, "offload") else: actions = "offload" for shot in range(0, args.loop): shot_number = shot t1 = print(f"\nRunning shot {shot} {t1.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')}") mbps="" if args.captureblocks != 0: shot_number = run_shot(uut, args) elif args.wait_shot: shot_number = wait_shot(uut, args) if args.offloadblocks_count != 0: nbytes = run_offload(uut, args, shot_number) t2 = et = (t2-t1).seconds if nbytes: mb = nbytes/0x100000 mbps = "offload {} MB, {:.2f} MB/s".format(mb, mb/et) print(f"Shot {shot}/{args.loop} completed {actions} in {et} seconds") print(f"Speed: {mbps} script time {int(time.time() - time_start)}s") if args.wait_user: input("hit return to continue") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard Interrupt, take it all down NOW") os._exit(1) os._exit(0)
[docs]def run_shots1(targs): sys.stdout = open("mgtdram_{}.log".format(targs.uut), "a") return run_shots(targs)
import copy
[docs]def trigger_when_armed(args): uuts = [ acq400_hapi.factory(u) for u in args.uuts] top = uuts[0] all_armed = False time.sleep(5) while not all_armed: print("checking") #armed = [ acq400_hapi.Acq400.pv(u.s0.BLT_ACT_STATE) for u in uuts ] armed = [ u.s0.BLT_ACT_STATE for u in uuts ] print("hello {}".format(armed)) arm_count = 0 for s in armed: if s.find("ARM") != -1: arm_count += 1 if arm_count == len(args.uuts): all_armed = True else: time.sleep(0.5) top.s0.SIG_SRC_TRG_0 = 'EXT'
[docs]def prep_many(args): uuts = [ acq400_hapi.factory(u) for u in args.uuts] top = uuts[0] if args.shot is not None: for u in uuts: u.s1.shot = args.shot top.s0.SIG_SRC_TRG_0 = 'NONE' top.s0.SIG_SYNC_OUT_TRG_DX = 'd0'
[docs]def control_many(args): prep_many(args) ps = [] # ps = [mp.Process(target=trigger_when_armed, args=(args,))] u_args = [ copy.copy(args) for u in args.uuts ] for ix, u in enumerate(args.uuts): u_args[ix].uut = u print("ps.append {} {}".format(ix, u)) ps.append(mp.Process(target=run_shots1, args=(u_args[ix],))) print("start me up") for p in ps: p.start() print("all started") for p in ps: p.join()
[docs]def run_main(args): if args.wait_shot > 0: args.captureblocks = 0 if args.twa: trigger_when_armed(args) elif len(args.uuts) > 1: control_many(args) else: args.uut = args.uuts[0] run_shots(args)
[docs]def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='mgtdram test') acq400_hapi.Acq400UI.add_args(parser) parser.add_argument('--loop', type=int, default=1, help="loop count") parser.add_argument('--captureblocks', type=int, default="2000", help='number of 4MB blocks to capture') parser.add_argument('--offloadblocks', type=str, default="capture", help='blocks to offload') parser.add_argument('--validate', type=str, default='no', help='program to validate data') parser.add_argument('--wait_user', type=int, default=0, help='1: force user input each shot') parser.add_argument('--wait_shot', type=int, default=0, help="1: wait for some external agent to run the shot, then offload all") parser.add_argument('--save_data', type=int, default=1, help='Whether or not to save data to a file in 4MB chunks. Default: 1') parser.add_argument('--shot', type=int, default=None, help="set a shot number") parser.add_argument('--twa', type=int, default=None, help="trigger_when_armed") parser.add_argument('--overwrite', type=int, default=0, help="0: new file per shot 1: same file per shot") parser.add_argument('--siggen', default=None, help="siggen hostname to trigger when armed") parser.add_argument('--root', default='data', help="root dir to offload data to") parser.add_argument('--logprint', type=int, default=1, help='1: Print log messages. ' '2: Save reduced log to log file.') parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+', help="uut ") return parser
# execution starts here if __name__ == '__main__': run_main(get_parser().parse_args())