usage: [-h] [--clk CLK] [--trg TRG] [--sim SIM] [--trace TRACE] [--auto_soft_trigger AUTO_SOFT_TRIGGER] [--clear_counters] [--loop LOOP]
[--captureblocks CAPTUREBLOCKS] [--offloadblocks OFFLOADBLOCKS] [--validate VALIDATE] [--wait_user WAIT_USER] [--wait_shot WAIT_SHOT]
[--save_data SAVE_DATA] [--shot SHOT] [--twa TWA] [--overwrite OVERWRITE] [--siggen SIGGEN] [--root ROOT] [--logprint LOGPRINT]
uuts [uuts ...]
Positional Arguments
- uuts
Named Arguments
- --clk
- --trg
- --sim
s1[,s2,s3..] list of sites to run in simulate mode
- --trace
1 : enable command tracing
- --auto_soft_trigger
force soft trigger generation
Default: 0
- --clear_counters
clear all counters SLOW
Default: False
- --loop
loop count
Default: 1
- --captureblocks
number of 4MB blocks to capture
Default: 2000
- --offloadblocks
blocks to offload
Default: “capture”
- --validate
program to validate data
Default: “no”
- --wait_user
1: force user input each shot
Default: 0
- --wait_shot
1: wait for some external agent to run the shot, then offload all
Default: 0
- --save_data
Whether or not to save data to a file in 4MB chunks. Default: 1
Default: 1
- --shot
set a shot number
- --twa
- --overwrite
0: new file per shot 1: same file per shot
Default: 0
- --siggen
siggen hostname to trigger when armed
- --root
root dir to offload data to
Default: “data”
- --logprint
1: Print log messages. 2: Save reduced log to log file.
Default: 1
Outline: Capture to MGTDRAM
optional capture to mgtdram
manage upload
optional validation
assumes that clocking has been pre-assigned.
example usage:
#Capture, fill dram and offload
./user_apps/acq2106/ --captureblocks=2000 --offloadblocks=2000 acq2106_007
#Capture 1GB triggered by siggen and offload, 100 loops
./user_apps/acq2106/ --loop=100 --captureblocks=250 --offloadblocks=250 --overwrite=1 --trg=ext,rising --siggen=SG0131 acq2106_007
#Capture, validate then offload, 100 loops
./ --loop=100 --sim=1 --validate=validate-6x480 --captureblocks=2000 --offloadblocks=2000 acq2106_007
mgtdram test
positional arguments: uuts uut
options: -h, –help show this help message and exit –clk CLK int|ext|zclk|xclk,fpclk,SR,[FIN] –trg TRG int|ext,rising|falling –sim SIM s1[,s2,s3..] list of sites to run in simulate mode –trace TRACE 1 : enable command tracing –auto_soft_trigger AUTO_SOFT_TRIGGER
force soft trigger generation
- --clear_counters
clear all counters SLOW
- --loop LOOP
loop count
- --captureblocks CAPTUREBLOCKS
number of 4MB blocks to capture
- --offloadblocks OFFLOADBLOCKS
blocks to offload
- --validate VALIDATE
program to validate data
- --wait_user WAIT_USER
1: force user input each shot
- --wait_shot WAIT_SHOT
1: wait for some external agent to run the shot, then offload all
- --save_data SAVE_DATA
Whether or not to save data to a file in 4MB chunks. Default: 1
- --shot SHOT
set a shot number
- --twa TWA
- --overwrite OVERWRITE
0: new file per shot 1: same file per shot
- --siggen SIGGEN
siggen hostname to trigger when armed
- --logprint LOGPRINT
1: Print log messages. 2: Save reduced log to log file.