#!/usr/bin/env python3
Plots data from cluster of uuts
Example usage::
./user_apps/analysis/cluster_plotter.py --chans=1 --cycles=1:2 --secs=1 --clk=2M \
acq2206_010 acq2206_009 acq2206_008 acq2206_007 acq2206_006 acq2206_005
./user_apps/analysis/cluster_plotter.py --chans=1 --cycles=1:2 --secs=1 --clk=2M --nchan=64 --data_type=16\
acq2206_010 acq2206_009 acq2206_008 acq2206_007 acq2206_006 acq2206_005
./user_apps/analysis/cluster_plotter.py --chans=1 --src=acq2106_41?_VI.dat \
acq2106_413 acq2106_414 acq2106_415
import argparse
import glob
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import threading
import acq400_hapi
from collections import namedtuple
from acq400_hapi import PR, pprint
type_map = {
32 : {
'type' : np.int32,
'wsize' : 4,
16 : {
'type' : np.int16,
'wsize' : 2,
8 : {
'type' : np.int8,
'wsize' : 1,
data_globs = ['?.??','*.dat']
[docs]def run_main(args):
scaffold = build_scaffold(**vars(args))
demux(scaffold, **vars(args))
if args.verbose:
plot(scaffold, **vars(args))
[docs]def build_scaffold(src, uuts, data_type, nchan, cycles, clk, secs, offline, egu, spadlen, **kwargs):
scaffold = {}
threads = []
globbed_src = sorted(glob.glob(src))
cycles = list(map(int, cycles.split(':')))
for file_src in globbed_src:
uutname = identify_uut(file_src)
if uutname not in uuts:
scaffold[uutname] = {}
scaffold[uutname]['path'] = file_src
if os.path.isdir(file_src):
dat_files, filesize, first_cycle, per_cycle = get_files(file_src, cycles[0], cycles[-1])
dat_files = [file_src]
filesize = os.path.getsize(file_src)
scaffold[uutname]['filename'] = file_src
first_cycle = per_cycle = None
if offline:
uut = None
uut = attach_api(uutname)
_data_type = data_type
if not data_type:
if not uut:
exit('--data_type required')
if int(uut.s0.data32):
_data_type = 32
_data_type = 16
_nchan = nchan
if not nchan:
if not uut:
exit('--nchan required')
_nchan = int(uut.get_ai_channels())
if not spadlen:
spadlen = int(uut.s0.spad.split(',')[1])
spad = spadlen * (4 - type_map[_data_type]['wsize'])
_nchan += spad
_clk = clk
if not clk and secs:
if not uut:
exit('--secs needs --clk')
_clk = int(acq400_hapi.pv(uut.s0.SIG_CLK_MB_SET))
if hasattr(uut.s1, 'ACQ480_FPGA_DECIM'):
decim = int(acq400_hapi.pv(uut.s1.ACQ480_FPGA_DECIM))
_clk = int(_clk / decim)
if egu:
thread = threading.Thread(target=uut.fetch_all_calibration)
scaffold[uutname]['dat_files'] = dat_files
scaffold[uutname]['api'] = uut
scaffold[uutname]['nchan'] = _nchan
scaffold[uutname]['clk'] = _clk
scaffold[uutname]['data_type'] = type_map[_data_type]['type']
scaffold[uutname]['wsize'] = type_map[_data_type]['wsize']
scaffold[uutname]['first_cycle'] = first_cycle
scaffold[uutname]['per_cycle'] = per_cycle
scaffold[uutname]['cycle_start'] = cycles[0]
scaffold[uutname]['cycle_end'] = cycles[-1]
scaffold[uutname]['total_files'] = len(dat_files)
scaffold[uutname]['file_size'] = filesize
scaffold[uutname]['chan_len'] = int(filesize / _nchan / type_map[_data_type]['wsize'])
scaffold[uutname]['data'] = []
scaffold[uutname]['channels'] = {}
scaffold[uutname]['num_chans'] = 0
if not scaffold:
exit('No valid uuts found')
if len(threads) > 0:
for thread in threads:
return scaffold
[docs]def identify_uut(path):
match = re.search("(acq[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{3})", path)
if match:
return match.group(0)
return match
[docs]def attach_api(uutname):
return acq400_hapi.factory(uutname)
print(f"unable to connect to {uutname}")
return None
[docs]def get_files(path, start, end):
dat_files = []
for cycle in range(start, end + 1):
for data_glob in data_globs:
file_glob = os.path.join(path, f"{cycle:06d}", data_glob)
files = glob.glob(file_glob)
if files:
if len(dat_files) == 0:
exit(f"Error: Unable to find files for glob {path}")
first_cycle = get_first_cycle(path)
return dat_files, first_cycle.size, first_cycle.index, first_cycle.files
[docs]def get_first_cycle(path):
first_cycle = namedtuple('first_cycle', ['index', 'files', 'size'])
for cycle in range(10):
for data_glob in data_globs:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, f"{cycle:06d}", data_glob))
if files:
return first_cycle(cycle, len(files), os.path.getsize(files[0]))
exit('Error could not find first cycle')
[docs]def demux(scaffold, chans, uuts, **kwargs):
for uut in uuts:
item = scaffold[uut]
nchan = item['nchan']
data_type = item['data_type']
for filepath in item['dat_files']:
item['data'] = np.append(item['data'], np.fromfile(filepath, dtype=data_type))
for chan in chans:
if chan > nchan:
ichan = chan - 1
item['num_chans'] += 1
item['channels'][chan] = item['data'][ichan::nchan]
[docs]def plot(scaffold, uuts, secs, egu, verbose, plots, **kwargs):
title = ''
xlabel = 'Seconds' if secs else 'Samples'
ylabel = 'Volts' if egu else 'Raw ADC Codes'
class plt_wrapper:
def __init__(self, plots, num_chans):
self.x_arrs = {}
self.num_chans = num_chans
if not plots:
self.num_chans = 1
self.fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.num_chans, 1, sharex=True)
self.axes = axes if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray) else [axes]
self.idx = 0
def plot(self, data, label=None):
if egu:
if not api:
exit('no calibration found unable to plot by volts')
if wsize == 4:
data = data / 256
data = api.chan2volts(chan, data)
if secs:
length = len(data)
if length not in self.x_arrs:
self.x_arrs[length] = self.build_x_array(length)
self.axes[self.idx].plot(self.x_arrs[length], data, label=label)
self.axes[self.idx].plot(data, label=label)
self.axes[self.idx].legend(loc='upper right')
if self.num_chans > 1:
self.idx += 1
def build_x_array(self, length):
offset = 0
if 'filename' not in item and cycle_start > first_cycle:
offset = chan_len * per_cycle * (cycle_start - first_cycle)
x_arr = np.arange(offset, length + offset)
x_arr = x_arr / clk
return x_arr
num_chans = sum([scaffold[uut]['num_chans'] for uut in uuts])
wrapper = plt_wrapper(plots, num_chans)
for uut in uuts:
item = scaffold[uut]
cycle_start = item['cycle_start']
cycle_end = item['cycle_end']
wsize = item['wsize']
chan_len = item['chan_len']
api = item['api']
clk = item['clk']
first_cycle = item['first_cycle']
per_cycle = item['per_cycle']
if 'filename' in item:
title += f"{item['filename']} "
title = f"{cycle_start:06d} - {cycle_end:06d}"
for chan, data in scaffold[uut]['channels'].items():
label = f"{uut} CH{chan}"
if verbose:
print(f"{uut} Plotting Chan {chan} length {len(data)}")
wrapper.plot(data, label)
wrapper.fig.text(0.5, 0.04, xlabel, ha='center')
wrapper.fig.text(0.04, 0.5, ylabel, va='center', rotation='vertical')
[docs]def list_of_channels(chans):
channels = []
for chan in chans.split(','):
if '-' in chan:
chan = list(map(int, chan.split('-')))
channels.extend(list(range(chan[0], chan[1] + 1)))
return channels
[docs]def prefix_number(value):
prefixes = {
'K': 1000,
'M': 1000000,
if value[-1] in prefixes:
num, mag = value[:-1], value[-1]
return int(float(num) * prefixes[mag])
return int(value)
[docs]def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot data from a cluster of UUTs')
parser.add_argument('--src', default='/mnt/afhba.*/acq2?06_???', help="src dir")
parser.add_argument('--chans', default='1', type=list_of_channels, help="channels to plot 1,2,3-5")
parser.add_argument('--egu', default=0, type=int, help="Plot volts")
parser.add_argument('--secs', default=0, type=int, help="Plot secs")
parser.add_argument('--cycles', default='1', help="single cycle 1 or start end 3:7 to plot")
parser.add_argument('--nchan', default=None, type=int, help="Number of chan")
parser.add_argument('--data_type', default=None, type=int, help=f"Data type to use {type_map}")
parser.add_argument('--clk', default=None, type=prefix_number, help="clk speed")
parser.add_argument('--offline', default=0, type=int, help="Don't try to connect to uuts")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=0, type=int, help="Increase verbosity")
parser.add_argument('--plots', default=0, type=int, help="Multi plot")
parser.add_argument('--spadlen', default=None, type=int, help="Length of spad")
parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+', help="uuts")
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':