usage: [-h] [--src SRC] [--chans CHANS] [--egu EGU] [--secs SECS] [--cycles CYCLES] [--nchan NCHAN] [--data_type DATA_TYPE] [--clk CLK]
[--offline OFFLINE] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--plots PLOTS] [--spadlen SPADLEN]
uuts [uuts ...]
Positional Arguments
- uuts
Named Arguments
- --src
src dir
Default: “/mnt/afhba.*/acq2?06_???”
- --chans
channels to plot 1,2,3-5
Default: 1
- --egu
Plot volts
Default: 0
- --secs
Plot secs
Default: 0
- --cycles
single cycle 1 or start end 3:7 to plot
Default: “1”
- --nchan
Number of chan
- --data_type
Data type to use {32: {‘type’: <class ‘numpy.int32’>, ‘wsize’: 4}, 16: {‘type’: <class ‘numpy.int16’>, ‘wsize’: 2}, 8: {‘type’: <class ‘numpy.int8’>, ‘wsize’: 1}}
- --clk
clk speed
- --offline
Don’t try to connect to uuts
Default: 0
- --verbose
Increase verbosity
Default: 0
- --plots
Multi plot
Default: 0
- --spadlen
Length of spad
Plots data from cluster of uuts
Example usage:
./user_apps/analysis/ --chans=1 --cycles=1:2 --secs=1 --clk=2M acq2206_010 acq2206_009 acq2206_008 acq2206_007 acq2206_006 acq2206_005
./user_apps/analysis/ --chans=1 --cycles=1:2 --secs=1 --clk=2M --nchan=64 --data_type=16acq2206_010 acq2206_009 acq2206_008 acq2206_007 acq2206_006 acq2206_005
./user_apps/analysis/ --chans=1 --src=acq2106_41?_VI.dat acq2106_413 acq2106_414 acq2106_415