usage: [-h] [--run_test RUN_TEST] [--ecolumn ECOLUMN] [--silence SILENCE] [--aqbsite AQBSITE] [--burst_on_demand BURST_ON_DEMAND]
[--trigger_from_here TRIGGER_FROM_HERE] [--subset SUBSET] [--filesize FILESIZE] [--filesamples FILESAMPLES]
[--files_per_cycle FILES_PER_CYCLE] [--force_delete FORCE_DELETE] [--nowrite NOWRITE] [--totaldata TOTALDATA] [--root ROOT]
[--runtime RUNTIME] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--display DISPLAY] [--combine COMBINE] [--stim STIM] [--dwg DWG] [--nchan NCHAN] [--nblks NBLKS]
[--save SAVE] [--src SRC] [--cycle CYCLE] [--pchan PCHAN] [--pses PSES] [--tai_vernier TAI_VERNIER] [--egu EGU] [--xdt XDT]
[--data_type DATA_TYPE] [--double_up DOUBLE_UP] [--plot_mpl PLOT_MPL] [--plot PLOT] [--stack_480 STACK_480] [--drive_letter DRIVE_LETTER]
[--pcfg PCFG] [--callback CALLBACK] [--traces_per_plot TRACES_PER_PLOT] [--schan SCHAN]
uuts [uuts ...]
Positional Arguments
- uuts
uuts - for auto configuration data_type, nchan, egu or just a label
Named Arguments
- --run_test
whether or not to run the test
Default: “YES”
- --ecolumn
Event column
- --silence
Hide subordinate script output
Default: “YES”
- --aqbsite
Active AquadB site with STIM loopback
Default: “1”
- --burst_on_demand
Burst Size in Samples[,./plotjob]
- --trigger_from_here
action soft trigger from this application
Default: 0
- --subset
subset command if present eg 1,5 :: strips first 5 channels
- --filesize
file size in bytes
Default: 1048576
- --filesamples
file size in samples (overrides filesize)
- --files_per_cycle
files per cycle (directory)
Default: 100
- --force_delete
silently delete any existing data files
Default: 1
- --nowrite
do not write file
Default: 0
- --totaldata
Default: 10000000000
- --root
Location to save files. Default dir is UUT name.
Default: “../AquadB_FAT/DATA”
- --runtime
How long to stream data for
Default: 1000000
- --verbose
Prints status messages as the stream is running
Default: 2
- --display
Render display
Default: 1
- --combine
Combine all cycle files into one
Default: 0
- --stim
stimulator uut
Default: “acq2106_351”
- --dwg
stimulator dwg file to load
Default: “../AquadB_FAT/DWG/wiggle”
- --nchan
- --nblks
Default: -1
- --save
save channelized data to dir
- --src
data source root
Default: “../AquadB_FAT/DATA”
- --cycle
cycle from rtm-t-stream-disk
- --pchan
channels to plot
Default: “:”
- --pses
plot start end stride, default: 0:-1:1
Default: “1:-1:1”
- --tai_vernier
decode this channel as tai_vernier
- --egu
plot egu (V vs s)
Default: 0
- --xdt
0: use interval from UUT, else specify interval
Default: 0
- --data_type
Use int16 or int32 for data demux.
- --double_up
Use for ACQ480 two lines per channel mode
Default: 0
- --plot_mpl
Use MatPlotLib to plot subrate data. (legacy option)
Default: 0
- --plot
plot data when set
Default: 0
- --stack_480
Stack : 2x4, 2x8, 4x8, 6x8
- --drive_letter
Which drive letter to use when on windows.
Default: “D”
- --pcfg
plot configuration file, overrides pchan
Default: “../AquadB_FAT/PCFG/qen_and_wr_and_di.pcfg”
- --callback
callback for external automation
- --traces_per_plot
Default: 1
- --schan
channels to save ie 1,49,50
Wrapper for move aquadb and host demux
./user_apps/special/ --ecolumn=DI6 --run_test=yes --silence=YES acq2106_999
./user_apps/special/ --stim=acq2106_888 --dwg=dat_files/dwg123 --run_test=yes --silence=NO acq2106_999
args for subordinate scripts should pass through wrapper