ELF/FMC module specific apps
AquadB_analysis Wrapper for move aquadb and host demux
acq2106_wr_reset acq2106 wr reset
acq2106_wrpg_clkout_demo ** wrpg clkout demo**
acq480_4CH_reuniter reunites pre/post channels of 4CH acq480
acq480_controls configure acq480
amx_start_demo start amx demo
analyse-repeating-wave make_awg_data
awg_mgtdram_runner runs shots with one continuous AWG
awg_oneshot_speed_test awg speed test
bolo8_cal_cap_loop Bolo8 calibration and capture
ddc_sync_role set sync roles for a stack of modules
hy_stream acq400 stream
mr_count acq2106_mr_count
quest_upload upload quest
run_AquadB_movement Stream data from multiple UUTs
tiga-stl-load TIGA stl load.
wrtd_test wrtd_test