usage: [-h] [--aiseconds AISECONDS] [--shots SHOTS] [--plot PLOT] [--verbose VERBOSE] [--mu MU] [--nbufs NBUFS] [--shot_seconds SHOT_SECONDS]
[--awg_restart AWG_RESTART] [--save_egu SAVE_EGU] [--save_mat SAVE_MAT]
uut_names [uut_names ...]
Positional Arguments
- uut_names
uut names
Named Arguments
- --aiseconds
number of seconds to run AI capture
Default: 10
- --shots
number of shots to run
Default: 1
- --plot
0: no plot, OR of 1: plot raw, 2:plot gated, 4 plot first burst, 8 plot delta.
Default: 0
- --verbose
Default: 0
- --mu
master uut, for trigger
- --nbufs
number of 4MB buffers to capture
Default: 800
- --shot_seconds
specify shot duration in seconds. Overwrites –nbufs
- --awg_restart
force awg restart for constant phase
Default: 1
- --save_egu
save data in engineering units
Default: 0
- --save_mat
save data in engineering units as .mat file [libraries permitting]
Default: 0
runs shots with one continuous AWG as Master and multiple UUTs using MGTDRAM
assuming a system with 1 x AWG, 2+ x AI, run shots and offload the data