Data analysis and plotting scripts
analyse_burst rgm plot demo
bigplot_dirfile plot a dirfile
cluster_plotter Plot data from a cluster of UUTs
cpsc2_host_demux CPSC2 host demux and plot
cpsc2_test CPSC2 data validity test.
cs_demux Demux for cs system
fs_delay_gen generate delays for GPG and plot
go_demux Demux for go system
host_demux Host side data demuxing and plotting
make_waves create host site multi-channel AWG file
multiplot Plot multiple data files
plot1 plots a single channel data file
plot_sample_from_burst Plot data from burst
stack_rtm_2D acq480 2D data plotter
stack_rtm_2D_42518 acq425 2D data plotter
stack_rtm_2D_435 acq435 2D data plotter
upsample plots a single channel data file
wrtd_analysis Analyse white rabbit logs